TUN is sending in a few more ships and men to beef up the defences in Gibraltar. The Empire's nuke caused enough damage to set a largely defensive position on hold, and that's exactly what it did. FNRS needs a little bit more time to strengthen their lock on the passage. {CLASSIFIED:} TUN has sent in multiple spies and secret service agents to gain intel and cause espionage in the HMKK Empire. Multiple municipal elections have been rigged in order to cause infighting within The Empire's government. Rebel movements are being funded and supported in order to take down The Empire. TUN knows this wont work of course, The Empire's anti-corruption policies are very strict and tough to work around by. The strongest impact TUN can do is by causing municipal, and dare I even say State governours to rebel. TUN is already funding heavily into protecting secret information and avoiding Empire mingling within TUN government.
I'm not even lying when I say they could of won the war either, they have a massive military, and although their equipment isn't as advanced, if both of you combined your power together Israel would probably already be under Empire rule and the war would of been over. Its too late for them to join now...
I'll retcon the EC army size to 60 million. FRNS can field 58 million, I've bumped it by 2 million by including the EC soldiers. That's like, maybe 7.5 million soldiers per country. All good?
Minnesota and Idaho, both NPAT members inside of a non-NPAT country have left the group. A meeting was held and it was decided that it caused too much conflict and made no sense. As of 1985, Idaho and Minnesota, both states of the USA have left the North Pacific Alliance Treaty.
UFOS is NOT a traitor we offered you air support but our Senate AND House both voted to stop helping you we have secretly without telling ANYONE sent 1 of our Super Carrier to help HMKX we told the Senate that it's undergoing "Training Actions" so it will arrive in 3 posts
If your government voted to stop helping an ALLY, that still means its still UFOS itself voting to quit helping The Empire. Just so you know, the Mediterranean is currently locked down right now, no one can get in or out. If you send your supercarrier FNRS and TUN will destroy it as it is an act of war.
Well we tried might as well go home(Just Kidding!)UFOS has decided to send ALL 3 of its supercarriers along with an escort of Battleships OOC:is the Suez Canal locked down?
The Suez Canal is being fought over by HMKX-TUN forces. It is currently destroyed, but HMKX won't let that happen again because they placed a crap ton of Anti-Missile defenses. HMKX is cleaning up the canal, but TUN forces interfere with this process. HMKX would appreciate a Big-Gun Battleship and a Supercarrier, as the Amistad would provide a very good firing platform to eviscerate TUN forces, or any of the other Battleships in the class really. Note that Amistad fundamentally outclasses all TUN Battleships on paper, but it is not designed to fight other battleships but rather bombard things with high-yield ammunition. OOC: A match between Iowa and Amistad would result in victory to the UFOS Battleship, but only because it is newer and has more guns. (12 16-Inch vs 9 16-Inch). It would still be quite destructive to both sides. However, 2 of them under joint HMKX-UFOS Air Cover (1 Supercarrier each) could feasibly take out TUN battleships with ease. If UFOS offers the Battleships' services as well as a Supercarrier, HMKX has a shot at taking the Canal.
Alright the UFOS ships will try to help via The Suez Canal since its a longer trip it will take 5 posts
HMKX needs 2 battleships and 1 Supercarrier. I will assume you provided all 3. BATTLE OF SUEZ CANAL: ACTION REPORTIn what was an attempt to take Suez Canal back from TUN, HMKXS Chandragupta, UFOS Amistad, UFOS Firme, and UFOS Hurricane launched an attack on the Suez Canal, along with several Shore Assault and Antiship cruisers. This attack was a decisive HMKX victory. TUNS Iowa and TUNS Saratoga rushed to defend the canal along with Israeli forces. However, the UFOS Battleships attacked the TUN Battleship, decisively outclassing it in battle. The TUN Battleship was far too outgunned to ever stand a chance, and promptly retreated, sustaining minor damage. HMKX forces had started to bomb and destroy Israeli forces, along with some Egyptian commandos and a surprise HMKX force attack defeated the Israeli, just barely. HMKX lost 2 Shore assault cruisers as well as nearly 10,000 Soldiers in this one battle, but the deed was done. Suez Canal is now open. After the loss of the surrounding Israeli support, TUNS Iowa and TUNS New Jersey arrived to deal with the attackers. However, they were outclassed by the UFOS Battleships and after a lively trade of several salvos, where one of the UFOS battleships suffered heavy damage to its rear 2 turrets, TUNS New Jersey suffered a massive fire and was unable to fight due to catastrophic damage to its turrets. After this, both Battleships fled along with Saratoga. HMKX Chandragupta fled out the Canal for much needed repairs after significant flak fire damaged it. It has landed on a friendly Saudi Arabian port. It will take 3 months to repair the damage done. The UFOS Battleships will undergo the needed repairs in a New Abyssinian Empire port. The more damaged one is already there, and the less damaged one is currently steaming escorted by a large force. It is projected to be impossible to reasonably intercept and destroy it. The UFOS Supercarrier that is undamaged is returning home under HMKX Air cover. HMKX Cruisers are now streaming into Suez Canal, after the first wave of ships cleared it.
UFOS also now has to deal with an angry population as somehow they found out that our ships are helping in the war
TUN is disappointed in this and worries now that UFOS has entered the war. If they had entered MUCH sooner the war would have been over a while ago, but due to the large militarized presence of all participating nations in the Mediterranean, battles will be longer and bloodier. With the Suez Canal under Empire control, it poses a much larger problem. The Empire now controls 2 of the 3 main entryways into the Mediterranean. TUN airforce bombed the hell out of the Suez Canal, making the damages immense, but repairable. TUN needs to use this as a time to regroup their entire Navy and take over key locations. The F-A/18 Hornet is now complete, and over 200 of them have been produced with more on the way. They will be delivered via the supercarrier Nimitz Class Dwight D. Eisenhower and will arrive in the Mediterranean. At home, thousands of ABM and other anti-rocket, anti-air and anti-ship systems are being mass produced. THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of Artillery, Rocket Artillery Vehicles and SPGS are being mass produced and quickly rushed to the middle east, 5,000 of these will be produced within 4 posts. Along with the Nimitz Eisenhower will be 8 cruisers, 6 destroyers, 16 submarines, 3 corvettes as well as 2 frigates. Pakistani ships battle with Saudi Arabian fleets in the Persian Gulf. Pakistan gained a large presence and sunk many Saudi cruisers and destroyers, although lost tremendous casualties, thus forcing a retreat.
Oh, trying to copy HMKX's style now are we? Don't worry, HMKX did it first and knows it best. HMKX is also producing, a lot more than TUN since they are about to go all-out with the boom tubes and Artillery was already an integral part of their strategy, unlike TUN. TUN must prepare to get no sleep, artillery will pound them weeks at a time, and HMXK has a lot of experience doing it. HMKX is also developing an improved E-4-AC in order to combat the F-18. They are also training their pilots more rigorously, because experience is key. HMKX land forces have moved to attack Israel and remove TUN presence from Saudi Arabia and Iraq and to attack Israel proper. A large invasion force is slowly displacing Israeli-TUN forces. It is not fast at all, but TUN is suffering extremely heavy losses with each week that drags on. They are slow, but they are very effective. HMKX, in order to prevent other parties from taking over the Suez Canal has called up the New Abyssinian Empire to help defend it. Their Navy is sizable and it is fairly decent and will most crucially buy time. HMKX's newest Supercarriers, but they aren't being used yet. They are undergoing sea trials, but only one at a time to hide the fact there is 2. They will charge into the fray along with the ships that are being built. HMKXS Sejong the Great HMKXS Vakulenchuk (OOC: God that is a mouthful, I will shorten it to HMKX V.) These Supercarriers are part of a new subclass and is 15 years younger than the older models, allowing them to be more capable. Their displacement has increased heavily, from 117,000-119,000 tons to 124,000 tons. This is because HMKX has expanded their fighter capacity and fueling tanks and also installed some antimissile warfare methods. HMKX is building 30 Antiship Cruisers, 7 Destroyers, 3 General-Purpose Cruisers, 13 Shore Assault Cruisers as well as 40 Submarines to rebuild and supplement its existing force. These will all be completed in 20 posts and will undergo sea trials with 5. The HMKX Army is looting whatever it can from military targets, like food and weapons, of which were not destroyed by weeks of endless bombardment. In addition, HMKX is loading suspicious cargo on board straight to UFOS, as well as the Destroyer and Submarine HMKX captured, all straight to UFOS. Wonder what that could mean. (HMKX is giving UFOS all the spoils of war it could find, except select things.) HMKX is once again offering a return to pre-war conditions to TUN. Israel will go free, Jordan will get its (OOC: semi-undeserved) punishment for killing a president (lots and lots of sanctions) and all that junk.
The Empire's Capitalism, by the creed "Each Man shall earn the sweat of his brow. No man shall take from the sweat of others' brows." High minimum wage. You can support a family if you work, and you don't have to bankrupt yourself to pay bills. If you don't pay up, Police break down your door and make you. Sweatshops, while uncommon, are in some rural regions. If Police find out, you are done for. 0% Corporate Taxation. Corporations are not taxed, ever. This is to finance point 1. 25% Taxation maximum, but fines scale with your wealth. This is, once again to finance point 1. You break it, you fix it. If someone dies in your factory due to your neglect, you have to pay their surviving direct relatives a pension every day for the rest of their lives. If someone is injured in your factory due to neglect, you pay them their wages for the hospitalized period and also pay for their medical care, as well as a large sum of money dependent on your company's annual earnings. If you don't pay up, the fees are multiplied by ten and Police seize what is needed to pay the fees, every year. DO NOT MESS WITH THE POLICE. THEY WILL SHOOT YOU AND TURN YOU INTO A SLICE OF SWISS CHEESE. DO EVERYTHING THEY ASK. Money and Government are a bad mix. First lesson foreign megabusiness owners learn when they get there: There are no Lobbyists, because they are all dead. Render unto you what you have rendered unto the Earth. You don't have to follow pollution regulations if you want to live in the gutters after 60. It works... sort of. I mean, it's ruthless, if effective. Lots of people die. But it works. If you follow the rules, it's not a bad place for business. You earn a lot of money, taxes are low, but ultimately they are simply replaced with another form of taxation. HMKX is slowly but surely building up a massive army. They have 30 million ready to go, and could conscript another 40 million or so. The small problem is beyond 70 million HMKX cannot feed them all. Supplies are not the problem, food is. Also, it would be immensely costly. The HMKXAF has raided Pakistani harbors to delay them.
Alright, we give in. MEDITERRANEAN WAR PEACE TREATYTUN agrees to the end of the war to bring back pre-war conditions. TUN will sign this deal along with The Empire if they agree to these terms: The Empire ceases to supply the Palestinian government with military equipment and aid. TUN and Israel will pull out of Jordan, Siani, Iraq and Saudi Arabia and return to proper land borders. Palestine's borders will be as such: All Jordan and Palestinian leaders responsible in the assassination of the President will be handed over to UN authority and will be punished accordingly. All TUN captured submarines and vessels shall be handed back to TUN, TUN will hand back their captured Empire vessels as well. Jordan is forced on a prolonged agreement to resist attacking Israel in any way. If these standards are not agreed with, the war will continue on I guess. TUN has pulled out of the Siani and has HEAVILY strengthed Israel's borders with a huge defensive, making it nearly impossible to attack. TUN, now with more rocket artillery, absolutely bombard Empire presence in North Palestine. The nonstop bombs and the haunting sound of the A-10s BRRRRT keeps their troops awake at night. Eventually, with a ton of losses on both sides, The Empire is pushed out of Northern Palestine. The M1 Abrams was a perfect dominator for the TO-4, and with the AC-130 and F-18s flying high above, The Empire didn't stand that much of a chance. Down in the south though... The Empire is superior... Pakistan starts heavy bombing runs on Saudi Arabia harbours and sinks 2 NAE ships. Pakistan is being heavily backed by TUN and their efforts are working. Back at home, millions of rounds of artillery shells and rockets, as well as artillery are being produced, along with 2,000 new planes and 4,000 new tanks. 8 Anti-ship cruisers are being built, as well as ballistic missile submarines. TUN doesn't know if The Empire will agree to the peace treaty put out by TUN, but in case they don't (which is likely because they take care of Palestine's borders like a child) TUN is mass producing military equipment and planning on a huge defence against The Empire's attack.
TUN directly condemns The Empire for their cruelty and restrictiveness to citizens who do not comply with The Empire's agenda.