[SURVEY] Recent Auction Changes

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. Can't exactly rate how much it should have gone for, tbh. Feather falling books aren't an extremely commonly auctioned item, even going back all the way to 2013. The auctions that DO exist are far too old to use as reference.
    Simply put: You chose an item that no one who was looking wanted. If you had an issue with the price, then you shouldn't have used it as a start bid.
    M4ster_M1ner likes this.
  2. If it was bumped at a time right for me I would've seen it though, and would have bid more. Now I hadn't seen it and unfortunately couldn't bid.

    This seems, at least to me, to happen a lot more after these changes - many great auctions that I would have liked to bid on that I miss, because I didn't see them, while I likely would have if they were bumped more.
  3. same here as i needed those tbh
    Gawadrolt and FadedMartian like this.
  4. Then go in to the auction forums and look for items to buy, as you should be doing. You had 4 days before Impulsive even bid. Your lack of effort is the reason for you missing out then, not our rule change.
  5. crystaldragon13 and JDHallows like this.
  6. yeah im not saying that the rule changes were at fault as i agree with them but i agree i wasn't really looking to bid on auctions at the time
  7. Thank you for clarifying. Your initial post implied that you blamed the auction rule change.
    crystaldragon13 and FadedMartian like this.
  8. they don't and this is why i'm quiting auctioning until bumping is returned :(
  9. yeah your welcome
    FadedMartian likes this.
  10. honestly quiting auctions is going to make you lose more money than if you just kept auctioning or set a shop to sell by the dc of something in game
  11. Exactly. Auctions, in my opinion have always been risky, as you are not guaranteed a fixed amount of rupees for your auction. Some people seem unaware of this, so I agree with you.
    crystaldragon13 and JDHallows like this.
  12. i'm going to at /v 130 bulk
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  13. yes i've always thought auctions could go either way you could get way more than the item/items are worth or way less it really varied on when you did the auction and what items
  14. but it can also go above the overall price of the item i also sell way cheaper then the average auction end price and with auctions its like selling bulk but alot faster most shop owners buy there stock at auction its just the truth
  15. Actually, you would have been hard pressed to get full value for those, even with bumping. The number of people who would actually want a DC of Feather Falling IV books is very small, and none of them would be willing to pay full market value for them.

    It's not like these are Unbreaking III or Mending books, which could be used up quickly and turned around for profit. Feather Falling books are useful, but they are used rarely, since enchanted boots aren't a fast seller, especially max enchanted ones.

    You would have been better served doing multiple auctions in much smaller quantities, or even better, finding an enchantment shop that would buy these books, as was mentioned already.

    As Faded said, auctioning has always been a risk, especially for auctions like these where your only hope is that a couple of the few people who would actually want these sees your auction.
  16. (see edit too, I added in more shortly after)

    I am a consumer. Consumers are king. And lazy. If real shops want people to buy their crap, they advertise and make themselves know. It's up to the shops to give me a reason to visit them. If a new shop opens near me, but doesn't advertise it in any way, and I don't happen to come there, I'll never know its great prices. I'm not going to go around all day to find new shops, because I'm a consumer, and consumers and generally inherently lazy.

    Now, of course, though this is true in real life, it is not as extreme with EMCs auctions, but it still holds some truth in that too, I think. Auctioneers should (be able to) do the effort to make us see the auctions, not the other way around.

    The recently active threads list is easy, it only shows threads you haven't read yet, but the auction sub-forum shows all threads, also those that you have read. Yes, you can still see which you have and haven't read, but it's just not as nice to scroll through when forgetting you need to save your rupees.
    Bromine_XD and FadedMartian like this.
  17. there are two other people here that already stated they would have bid on this item and I definitely would have as well. buying a whole dc of these from a shop is quite annoying and I would have gladly paid over fmv to get them all in one go
    TomvanWijnen and Bromine_XD like this.
  18. can i just bump this? please, guys, just submit your surveys. Convey your arugments there.
  19. One of the people you mention said that they weren't looking to bid on auctions at the time. That's a variable that plays a major role in many auctions due to the bulk items. The survey has received 99 responses so far. Soon, I'll be going through and looking at how this data is shaping up.
  20. Stating you would bid on an item is not the same as stating you would pay full market value. You're the first to say this thus far.

    Let me clarify my original point then: the chance of that auction ever reaching full market value, even with multiple bidders, would have been slim. Even before with bumping, this auction would have risked going for such a low value because you can't guarantee that:
    1. The few people (like yourself) who actually would buy them would see the auction. Even when an auction was consistently bumped, you could miss seeing the auction.
    2. That the people who may potentially buy these, would actually want them in that moment. A large portion of the people who work in the enchanting market usually have easy access to villagers for trading these kinds of books. Feather Falling IV is one of the books that you don't *need* a large amount on hand, because you probably can get however many you need rather quickly because they are used so rarely.
    I still stand by my point that under any circumstances, old or new rules, majority of the time you would be better served selling these books directly at a price you are comfortable with rather than risking an auction.