That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment when you spend literally 3 days searching for a voters diamond axe you borrowed and tell someone they replace it and then you literally go open a chest and it’s there. In a chest I looked 5rough 75646373939 times before. Biggest eye roll ever and crying in the shower with your clothes on. Lol. I did return the duplicate axe to a staff member so there aren’t two of them floating around.
  2. I actually realized I was mining it with a sword when I checked what hotbar slot my sword was in.
    That would've been funny if I mined the whole thing with a 5+ enchant diamond sword.
    607 likes this.
  3. Yeah, it seemed like it, as you said "I tried and mined obsidian" instead of "I tried to mine obsidian". :p I couldn't actually find much on this subject on the internet though, however, so what you said might actually be a correct way of saying it. It just confuses me, as it seems like you actually did mine it using a sword.
  4. tmw you find how bizarre roman history actually is...

    jesus christ these people had the weirdest explanations for noun tenses
    Sydney4363 likes this.
  5. So yeah ;)

    Earlier today I was on SMP2 when an older player came online, we (=us smp2'ers) started talking about changes and stuff and suddenly we were discussing the EMC shop. Which, as most of you older folks will know, got removed some time ago.

    Fortunately I knew that you could still visit it. Just too bad that I always end up climbing the wrong side of the valley ;)

    But have no fear, because the (not too) Evil Toade was here ;)

    Toade pointed us to the right shaft (no spoilers, sorry, but you want the cliff on your right) and we visited the old shop and with a little help also managed to get outside into the desert to check up on the Sphinx.

    That moment when Toade suddenly works a bit of magic and....

    Gotta love it :)
    ILTG, luckycordel, 607 and 2 others like this.
  6. Gotta love toade’s work
  7. How do you mean?
    That's cool!
  8. If that's the room that I think it is, its been there for a while now. A few years ago a friend of mine downloaded the shop world and uploaded it to a private server, on which we both proceeded to explore and found a giant sphinx.
  9. The heads and sign in question can't have been there yet, though. :p
    ILTG likes this.
  10. that moment when you spend 20 minutes writing on a note pad on your computer and then your computer freezes up and it deletes your notepad
  11. If you're writing in notepad, there's no excuse to not save frequently. :p It doesn't even take time, beyond the time needed to get your fingers on Ctrl + S and pressing them down.
  12. you know what i didnt realize i could do that thanks 607
    607 likes this.
  13. If I don't actually need to save the document - like when I'm writing a long post here or on YouTube that I don't want to get lost when I make a mistake or something strange happens - I save to My Documents\temp.txt, 'temp' standing for 'temporary'. This way I don't get a lot of unnecessary files, as the next time I will be saving something I'm writing I will once again save it as 'temp.txt', and the new file will overwrite the old. :)
  14. That moment when you don't know how to explain what just happened... other than I ran into a BUNCH of Enraged Rabbits, and by a bunch I mean 61 Enraged Rabbits:

    Starting Page 2:

    Starting Page 3:
  15. Please tell me you were on diff 10
  16. I was on Diff 6 where I usually am

    Picked up 28 sparks, 14 bunny heads, can't remember what else...
    607 likes this.
  17. let's just say it's too inapporpriate for emc.
  18. That moment when you have such a weak mind that you get up for a drink, and reach into a cabinet and pull out a BOWL. :eek:
    607 likes this.
  19. OHMYGOD SAMEEEE in literally every house i've lived in i get the plates cabinet and the cup cabinet mixed up!
    607 and OverBakedPi like this.
  20. In every house!? Unbelievabowl :eek:
    ArkonXT, belac555, 607 and 3 others like this.