Show outside your window! (2018 Edition)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by FadedMartian, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. culture differentiates everywhere
    FadedMartian likes this.
  2. Woah! :eek:

    I am currently in a place without windows, deep underground. :D Honestly, it's a bit moody, but at least it's not hot. :p
    SkeleTin007 and MoreMoople like this.
  3. even here in canada i'm burning up in my room. There's no sun entering it, but the summer heat just makes my room all stuffy, and even at night im really hot, even with the fan on and window open
    FadedMartian likes this.
  4. Lmao come to Arizona to see hot.. Its been 120 regularly.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  5. why am I surprised that an american told me how 30 degrees celsius isn't hot:rolleyes:
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  6. 86 degrees Fahrenheit is not hot... 120 degrees is...
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. hottest we have gotten was 36 celsius. Have fun!
    FadedMartian likes this.
  8. My view from the bedroom and bathroom for this week :D (the windows are open and I leaned out a bit so you dont see the glass)

    This is in Italy (Venetia)

    I also had an amazing view in Spain (Valencia) Last couple weeks, but I only have a picture taken from the roof instead the windows and there is some family on it so I don't know if I am going to post that.
  9. I considered taking a picture at born_ego's (where I stayed for about 10 days), but the best view is got from his bedroom window, and it seemed inappropriate to visit his bedroom while he wasn't there. :p Also, more and more houses are being built, removing more and more of the meadows that used to be full of sheep. Soon the view from his window won't even be nice anymore. :(
    FadedMartian likes this.
  10. Totally forgot to post when I first saw this thread earlier in the week :eek:

    First one, taken some time last year when we had slightly more snow than usual and the entire country just grounds to a halt, of course. :rolleyes:

    And this one, just now.
  11. NIce! And thank you for that tear-eyed trip down memory lane :D
    Your garden reminds me of a semi-detached house I lived in, in the outer suburbs of London, years and years ago. Same kind, neatly fenced by a wooden palissade. The house we rented had a cat-door, left by some former tenant probably. On the second day after we moved in, a magnificent black (really coal black) cat from the neighborhood invited itself in, and stayed. He was roaming wherever cats roam during the day, but used to sleep inside our house, watching our toddler with disdainful interest, and would bring home some birds he caught, sometimes. We never fed him so he wouldn't depend on us, as we knew we would move away eventually. Name was 'chat-chat' (pronounced 'shasha' with the 'a' pronounced as in 'bat'), french equivalent of kitty-cat.
    OMG... that was such a long time ago... and the memories are so vivid...
  12. Earlier this summer on the way back from up north I think.
  13. wowie look at those clouds!
  14. My view for about 14.5 hours today, as me and my dad go back home by bus after cycling from the Netherlands to Prague (in the Czech Republic) the past 10.5 days. :D

    Jelle68, 607, FadedMartian and 5 others like this.
  15. wut why aint i receiving notifications for my own dank thread... rip
  16. i havent recieved any either
    FadedMartian likes this.
  17. The perks of living on top of a hill and at the edge of a road.
    This is the view from my room. You can see the lights from the Potuguese national football (or soccer i guess) stadium in the horizon.

    And i might as well show my garden to boast hehe. Fun fact, the tree in the middle of my yard has the same name as my family name.

    Also this is my first post in like 3 years of inactivity, cheers everyone.
  18. I liked your post for the last sentence. Before then, I didn't even realise who you were. Cool, hello. :)
  19. saw this fire this morning

    A warehouse is burning, no known injured at the moment. I just found a picture online from a higher point of view: