Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. XD when and where Lol
    if just so recently
    Krysyy I walked on purple party res with dirty boots, my bad :)
    NickkG and We3_MPO like this.
  2. I like how the system insists on no one hearing you. :p
  3. It does that to remind us we're talking to ghosts.
    NickkG and haastregt like this.
  4. :p Yeah, it does- me when I have to call toade to check something out: "I feel like he's not really here" and then he speaks and I jump. Ugh. :p But they do a great job.

    I use that emoji too much... but it tends to be my signature... sorry guys
    607 likes this.
  5. :p
  6. We all need our spot on this thread don't we?

  7. GG on the wrong chat btw ;)
    NickkG, We3_MPO, MoreMoople and 2 others like this.
  8. removed
    NickkG and We3_MPO like this.
  9. Lol!
    NickkG and fBuilderS like this.
  10. LOL! Shouldn't a dev add something so that mods don't get kicked for spam? :p
    NickkG and We3_MPO like this.
  11. chickeneer, MrSocks75, JesusPower2, RogueRevan, or TheCritic could add that too. But yes, I agree.
    NickkG and Sydney4363 like this.
  12. 'Fore i get poked for my toade moment, i'll do it in the mornin, I've been busy, and forgotten, but i don't have secure enough wifi (and i'm borrowin it usin lunch money) to do it.
    607 likes this.
  13. Yeah ok I can't enlargen it. So here's basically what happened:
    Toade: I accidentally broke your sign :(
    Moople: XD Rip
    Me: who? where?
    Raisa: -shakes head- abusing the privileges. tsk tsk.
    Moople: rofl
    Toade: It was an accident! :(
    Moople: poor toadsiee
    Raisa: whose is it lol
    Me: haha
    Toade: i was even buying from papa :(

    Poor toade was a guilty toad that day, and was shaming himself XD The second picture is just how he unpoofed, and I found it amusing :p
  14. I was able to enlarge it, but it's super pixel-ly.

    MoreMoople and We3_MPO like this.
    MoreMoople, We3_MPO and haastregt like this.
  16. *removes old post*
    Guess who's got the 1000th post now, eh? >:D

    EDIT: The fact that there are 1000 posts on this thread, does that mean our staff is just very goofy or that we basically like everything our staff does? :p
    MoreMoople and Sydney4363 like this.
  18. I suppose..maybe...both?
    *dun dun dun*
    We3_MPO, MoreMoople and _Devuu__ like this.
  19. If only my hard drive hadn't died, i had a lot funny shots of things that happened :3

    Here's a photo that happened recently. Doesn't really involve staff, but it's still pretty funny:

    There's always a different way to play a game...

    "high five you broke an emc game" -Me

    So one time back in 2017 after the EMC Discord server had recently been added, I decided to attend my first RainbowChin's Firefloor (i was unable to beforehand due to school). I decided to hop into the voicechat that was being used for it (if you were in there, A. you know who you are, and B. you know this story), which Chin was in on.

    So the rounds start, and the first round (i believe) it had gotten down to a few people, and i had made a comment that the round would be over in a few seconds. What happens next? Chin counts down from 5, and the round ends like i had said it would.


    The next round, I had managed to survive long enough, and chin had begun slapping people with the wonderful stick to speed the round up. As Chin flew near me, i had begun to beg in the vc for Chin so spare my life. Let's just say the gods were not appeased by my praying.

    NOTE TO SELF: Never be in a call with Chin during an event.
    Harp4Christ, We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  20. After I was enlightened to the SMPCake incident, I can surely say both.