[APRIL FOOL] SMP8 Independence - Spring/Summer 2017

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Hashhog, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. Including all those smelly fish I hope :D
    carolmoss likes this.
  2. but I always liked the marriage fish. I did hear that one of us (mods) were even thinking of turning in their mod badges to go. =/
    I'm gonna state this again.. I never wanted smp8 to leave!!! Nuuuuu!!! I refuse to believe they will do it! -_- NO!

    LittleRobotSeffy likes this.
  3. Goodbye SMP8, We have had great times, but I think our separation is needed...

    Tom and I have still got about 20DC of them on smp1, no, THE FISH WILL STAY!
  4. Bye smp8.. I'm sad to see those PWU facilities leave the empire :p
  5. Not trusting this after the PvP debacle from last year.
    Slvr and ChespinLover77 like this.
  6. So... if you're interested in a moderator for smp8, I do have experience. ;)

    *slides a resume copy & $10 across the table*
    Zrugite, Dufne, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  7. As you may know, since your made your post out of purple, smp8's national color is purple, according to the /smp chest UI. So, when someone says purple I think of 8. So I believem to not make accidental advertisement, this color should be removed(or reduced) in a way or another. Maybe, take out the purple color for forums, and delete all purple blocks from the Dependent EMC Servers, but some poeple will be sad. I suggest to add /shopworld shops at a true high fee for those who really like the purple pallete color for a build, but that is all.
    Zrugite and FadedMartian like this.
  8. *Totally non sarcastic and serious post* Also sorry for caps edit it if you want

    OMG how could you people do THIS? SMP8 is a beloved SMP on EMC and getting rid of it is STUPID. Things like THIS are the MAIN REASON EMC is LOSING players!!!1 This is so STUPID11! if they dont REVERT this STUPID change im QUITTING EMC
  9. Bro, we the #masterrace bro... That is why we are the first independent server :)

    PS. I believe that this thread should be moved to the new smp8 forum ( https://empireminecraft.com/threads/smp8-you-worry-me.42768/ ) and be renamed smp8 we Love you
    Zrugite likes this.
  10. The purple was in honor of SMP8 and a last remembrance of them before they go; as soon as they're gone I, a firm EMC supporter, will be going through large quantities of my posts and residences and removing all traces of purple so as to erase their memory, but perhaps I'll leave this post as a sort of memorial.
  11. Iron nuggets should be the new smp8 currency to replace rupees. Either that or carrots. What do the other smp8'ers think?

  12. Let's be honest here guys, something was brewing quite a long time ago, even before the poll.

    If you do /smp8 to go there then what is the first thing you see? I know it's hard to spot, because your screen will quickly refresh and all, but despite that there's a true and honest disclaimer showing which warns you about SMP8.

    If you're on SMP8 try using /smp8, you'll see. Can't hop online right now (need to grab something for the weekend first, just got back with the regular weekend groceries) but once I get back I'll update my post with an exact quote.

    Aren't you from SMP8 as well? Oh wait, no SMP9... Yeah, problem.

    Thing is: If you were from SMP8 you didn't even have to quit EMC yourself, it'll all be done for you. Such convenience. But... since you're SMP9 and all...

    nooo, don't leave us!!1
  13. Marriage Fish
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  14. Marriage Fish are already sacred and should not be used as currency. Selling marriages would be a form of slavery and against international law... or the Geneva Convention... or something.
  15. When you hug a friend and they give you a Coke in return is against international law? I guess we know why smp8 became independent to get away of international law
    Zrugite likes this.
  16. Ok how about random screenshots of chat?
    Torian42 likes this.

  17. Might as well as kick me out, but I, and half of the other posters on this thread, do not accept nor appreciate this idea.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. Boi he alerady posted and it got edited
    Slvr and FadedMartian like this.
  19. Vaults don't (won't) work on the new 8
  20. ah but cant u just vault ur stuff before it happends
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