Since Sach made a thread about British people a few months back, why not make a thread for my fellow Dutchies? Let's see how many Dutch people we have on EMC! Post below if you are Dutch and what you think about The Netherlands. What Dutch food do you like/hate? Do you like living in The Netherlands or not? Feel free to tell us whatever you want about The Netherlands For those who are not Dutch, have you ever been to The Netherlands? Did you like it? Or if you haven't been there, would you like to go there? Tell us all about it! (Funny) stories or pictures about/from The Netherlands are also welcome
I am Dutch! Im not really sure I like living in the Netherlands, its a yes and a no. Why? I have no clue! It just doenst feel like a home for me. So maybe in the future I will move to another country. Something like Sweden or Norway But the Dutch food.. Boerenkool met rookworst! I love it. Also zuurkool, delicious! We got some good food! And ofcourse the candy, drop. Or hagelslag etc etc. We got alot of food hehe. I always enjoy hearing people from somewhere else trying to talk Dutch. Remember people started singing Bassie & Adriaan? It was great! So yeah, Im Dutch and my English isnt that great. So sorry Grammar hunters <3
Ah, interesting! Good idea! I am indeed Dutch, as most of you will know. I was raised partly Frisian, in fact, but Frisia's part of the Netherlands. I am usually not too proud of most people living in the Netherlands. The swearing gets very bad often, and the racial discrimination can be harsh. As a country to live in, however, it is great for most of us. Great public transit, enough houses, decent to good employment rates, great roads (for both cars and bikes, and often sidewalks too), good health-care, mostly fair and adequate insurances, lots of green energy... And even the political situation isn't all too bad at the moment. At least not when compared to that of the UK and USA. So, yeah... it's a nice country to live in, and we might be able to change that Dutch stereotype I'm not too fond of!
I am not Dutch, but I have been to the Netherlands. I hung out in Amsterdam for a bit, had some good fun, be a tourist. I'll edit in a little story when I have the time. Or when I remember. Whichever one comes first.
I've been in Amsterdam too... I was shocked by the amount of weed and sex pretty much out in the open. Sure, the classical elements in the city were really cool... but those other bits I'd rather not explore further.
I'm also Dutch, as most of you probably know, Here in the Netherlands there are two things that always suprise me when I came back from another country, how flat it is here, really, it is even more flat as emc town, since there are a few people landscaping there, really, when I look outside the window at this point in time, I look out over a flat, flat, flat, grass field. Second, there are loads of bicecles here, and loads of people who ride them, really, we have got several "fietssnelwegen" wich are highways, but than for bikes... Something else not-dutch people do mostly not know: I once was here with some of my American family, they arrived at "Schiphol" wich is the main airport of Amsterdam, we needed to go to Rotterdam, the second biggest "city" of the Netherlands (my uncle lives there) so, we started at Amsterdam, and, aproximatly 100Km later, we arrived, but, they did think they still were in Amsterdam, and just couldn't beleve we alredey were there. Why is that do you think? Well, all big cities in the Netherlands are melted together like one big city with a couple centra, and it really is one big city for people who don't live here.
#getrekt1784 Jk. I really like Amsterdam... as a concept. I've never been. I have plans to visit it with my friend in either August this year (she'll be 18 at that point, I doubt this is gonna happen though lol) or sometime in 2018. Should be interesting.
I'm not Dutch but my aunt is. She has been to the Netherlands many times and she might bring me some time!
Eindelijk, dit hadden we dus inderdaad echt even nodig De volgende stap: ons eigen geheime genootschap <whistles innocently>, I don't know how that got up there Aaaanyway, better not to overdo it of course Another Dutchie here. Born & raised in Amersfoort, a city I still sort of like but for some reason it never really appealed to me. Maybe too big or the atmosphere, I dunno. Then I moved to where I'm now, in a small (much smaller) town near Arnhem and quite frankly I love it. For some reason living here is quite different than living in the "big city". Amersfoort has approx. 150 thousand residences, whereas my hometown has currently roughly 37 thousand. Still huge numbers of course, but it's smaller nonetheless, the atmosphere is different and I like it. Still... I like to think it's the atmosphere and area though. My girlfriend used to live in Baarn, a small town near Amersfoort (roughly 15km away) and for some reason that also never really clicked. An evening walk or let alone a strawl around on her bike was something she'd never do. Simply because she didn't feel like it (and maybe the environment too, I honestly don't know). She moved to a place roughly 20 -30km from here (closer to Arnhem) and loves it. She even goes out for evening walks, makes the occasional (recreational) bike rides too and from that perspective really changed a bit. So sometimes I also like to think it's the inviting area we live in. But... that could also all be between my ears And, uhm, Netherlands flat? Yah, both towns have this hill. One has 4% the other (from the top of my head) 6%. Try going up there with your bike, you'll really enjoy and appreciate the flatness of our country (I have, multiple times btw)
Ik ben het eens met de geheime groep Arnhem is like 30 minutes away from me, I live in Veenendaal. A small city, maybe you know it. But It would surprise me if you know it!
We have got the Dutchmenclub here at EMC of course, but the only thing that makes that secret is that most people will probably have forgotten about it by now...
Know it? We're almost neighbors! Oh well, I suppose it doesn't hurt. Wageningen here Security through obscurity, what can possibly go wrong
I've been in Veenendaal numerous times, as I had family living there. They moved to Heerenveen though to be closer to us. I do still have family living in Ede, though, and we usually spend our summer vacation there lately. I believe that's in your vicinity too.
This thread has suddenly reminded me about how funny I find Dutch words. The best way I can describe it, as a foreigner to you all (who can speak German at a low level), is that's like a German got extremely drunk and tried to spell and accidentally created a new language. This Tumblr post is what first alerted me to the accidental humour found within this language.
Then let me indulge you my friend. Us Dutch have a thing with staplers. It's a secret but I'm sure my fellow Dutchies can agree that it's a secret worthy of sharing with the Empire. And good luck to those using Google translator. But it has to be said.... Als de niet niet niet dan niet de niet niet. lol, that one never grows old
Nederlanders uit alle landen, verenigd U, U zeit misschien net als tal der anderen van stof gekomen, maar U zult niet normaal tot stof wederkeren. Wij zijn allen één van hetzelfde, het Arische ras is het enige ras. Het Arische zal overheersen. Nooit meer te vrezen hoeven wij: Amerikaanse politici Noot meer te vrezen hoeven wij: De kwelling van het Egocentrische Amerika. Nooit meer te vrezen hoeven wij: De overdreven nette Britten. Wij zullen overheersen, niet alleen de Aarde zal van ons zijn. maar als de niet niet meer niet niet zoals hij normaal niet niette, niette hij anders anders niet als hij nu niet niet. (I hope you can follow me...)
I know you're joking, and I totally dig it, but... you might want to step it down one nudge there Not for those like us who dig the joke, but for those who might pick it up in the wrong way Absolutely! Volgens mij heeft de niet nooit genoten (I call that bad Dutch humor )
I was born and raised in Apeldoorn and I still live there. It's not too far away from the majority of Dutchies here While there isn't a whole lot of special things to say about Apeldoorn, there are a few things worth mentioning. First off, Paleis Het Loo. This is a palace where the royal Dutch family stayed in the 17th century. Nowadays it's a museum and widely visited by tourists. Secondly, not too far away, we have the Apenheul which is essentially a zoo for monkeys. Definitely worth a visit if you're in Apeldoorn. I really like living in the Netherlands. The only things I don't like about it are the climate and (sometimes) the language. Yummy! I personally don't really like being in Amsterdam. I feel very unsafe there. *wonders what the Dutchmenclub is* I've been near Arnhem multiple times, and I also noticed it's very hilly. It almost feels like a different country Niet!