[Event]EMC Secret Santa

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by PupInAction, Dec 1, 2016.


Good Idea? Bad Idea?

Good! 46 vote(s) 97.9%
Bad, NEVER try anything like this again. 1 vote(s) 2.1%
  1. I don't think the residence is specified in the OP.
    Edit: Ah, Utopia, I see. A number would've been nice, though. :)
    Edit 2: Did you realise we can give presents to anyone, this way? There are really some flaws with this system, sorry.. :3
    Edit 3: Aw, my items went in an unintended order... and I can't change it anymore. :c
  2. Too late, I'm afraid.
  3. Wait I am so confused xD Where is the res? If it was said already sorry my brain isnt working :p
    607 likes this.
  4. Was only mentioned it was utopia. It's pupinaction's 2nd res.
    Lordess_Spartan likes this.
  5. It's on Utopia, I think /v PupInAction 3. I agree, though: it should've been more clear.

    Note @Pup: don't take my criticism the wrong way! I think a lot of things could've been improved on for this event, but I also really appreciate that you're hosting it at all! :)
  6. Yea It should of been more clear, no offense to the host. I found the res though it is on utopia at /v Pupinaction 3
    607 likes this.

  7. Shoot maybe it was 3 lol I don't remember now. It's one of those :D
    607 and Lordess_Spartan like this.
  8. There are flaws with this system but putting in access signs would've lat everyone know their person for sure. Also if you would like I can help you fix your items, just catch me when I am on utopia. It totally skipped my mind to give out my res number (Apologies). The Residence Number is 5744.
  9. Flaws or not: I am impressed nonetheless. I really admire the effort you're putting into this and thanks to your latest message I also got reminded of something important regarding Secret Santa as well. hmm :)
  10. How? You could've made a chest for everyone and put access signs on them. Then when present giving is over, turn off move flag, and move all the presents to the chests of the recipients. That would've been a bit of extra work, but it would've been nicer, in my opinion.
    But this is okay, too. :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. Agreed, on both accounts. Maybe something to keep in mind for next year?

    In fact: if you need help next year Pup (because this IS a lot of work) then I hereby volunteer to help you out.

    I know what I'm talking about: right now Aya & me are in the process of setting up 220+ access signs on my Utopia residence for our upcoming "follower appreciation event" :p

    Fun fact: running /res info shelluser-2 on Utopia may very well crash your client (it could have been fixed) because... Well, I was a bit excessive there :p
    LordessSpartan_ and 607 like this.
  12. Ah, I see. That did not occur to me.
    607 and AyanamiKun like this.
  13. You wouldnt have had to move the items even, easier to change the access on the chests to the actual recipient
  14. Because I was late on opening the residence, you guys have until the 21st of December at 6pm to "wrap" your gifts. Please do so at Utopia on residence number 5744. This means you have 2 days left. Good luck, have fun, and enjoy.
    LordessSpartan_, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  15. Good, good. I was very preoccupied last weekend so I'll sort out my part this evening. I honestly even did some investigating (with thanks to Krysyy for helping me out!) and I'm fully prepared :)
    Raaynn and 607 like this.
  16. Yes, but in that case people could have remembered whose name was originally on the sign.
    Hm... ;)
  17. When is the main party? I looked through the thread and couldn't find it. May have just missed it.
    607 and ThaKloned like this.
  18. At the beginning, on the very first page it states "gift giving will occur december 20th-24th and considering how I mention gift "wrapping" will be extended one more day, it will be sometime from december 21st-24th.
  19. Okay, I just didn't know if you had a specific day and time by now.
    607 likes this.