[Event]EMC Secret Santa

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by PupInAction, Dec 1, 2016.


Good Idea? Bad Idea?

Good! 46 vote(s) 97.9%
Bad, NEVER try anything like this again. 1 vote(s) 2.1%
  1. I also investigated a little... but mine was sooo easy...
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. NO, and thats on me. I should be more specific and I will be, I'll specify the date and time after tomorrows gift wrapping is closed.
    607 and kaptrix like this.
  3. Got a question for ya'll (but Pup specifically)... Someone (who shall remain anonymous) came up to me and asked me for my help with their present. They wanted something a bit special and so asked me for a little help. Now, sorry for being vague and all, but I assume that's all ok, right? Helping out the others a bit as well?
    607 likes this.
  4. i really liked the mansion and the res, it made it look very special! ^.^
    WolfInAction likes this.
  5. What is your Utopia res address?
    WolfInAction likes this.
  6. Sorry, I missed that. I will try to drop by tonight and make my contribution. Too bad we can't access the chests, would be nice to be able to arrange some chest art, but I understand.
    607, ShelLuser and WolfInAction like this.
  7. Totally! You're an awesome player Shell! Just make sure they dont reveal their person :p
    607 likes this.
  8. hi is it possible to join i know it i very late etc
    WolfInAction likes this.
  9. Sorry it's not possible :( I've already sent out all the names.
    607 likes this.
  10. I asked around to a few of my friends who knew the person I drew better. I never mentioned why or anything, but I did inquire as to if they were into certain types of things on emc. I won't say specifically, but something like: Are they into redstone? Are they into build projects? Do they collect promos? Are they into pvp? I had an idea in my head of what I wanted to do & I thought they would like it, but I needed a little confirmation.
    607 likes this.
  11. I think last year I gave someone 10dcs worth of stuff for secret santa . I misse dthe dead line for this one :-(
  12. do we mail it to someone on the day?
  13. There are access chests on my utopia residence(Res#5744 IDK how many times I've repeated) and the drop off is into the specific chest with that person;s name labeled. *sighs*
  14. Let me go over all the details in case you missed anything. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read this so I do not have to repeat myself...again.
    1. Drop off for your secret Santa gift is on Utopia at 5744 in the mansion (Chests are labeled with names. There are hoppers above for you to drop in items)
    2. December 21st is the FINAL day to drop off any gifts.
    3. If you do not give a gift, you do not receive a gift. (EX: You forgot to give a gift to your person, well they get your gift.)
    4. The party (as well as parkour/Prizes/Events) will happen sometime between the 21st and the 24th of DECEMBER.
    5. Your gift must stay within the 1k-50k rupee boundaries
    6. If you have forgotten your person, contact me ASAP!
    7. If for some reason you absolutely cannot make it (You were obligated to make it the moment you signed up) contact me ASAP.
    8. If you can't make it to the main party, its OKAY, don't worry.
    9. I will keep the residence open 5 days after the main party so people can fetch their presents if you couldn't before.
    10. People will reveal themselves to their person at the party, please do not do so before.
    11. If you have questions, please contact ME private.
    Thank you and I hope I covered everything.

    ScroogeMcFate and ShelLuser like this.
  15. ^If I came off as rude on the above message, sorry :p
  16. Well, I dropped off my goods and I managed to help out a Secret Santa who had a little problem with their gift :) I might have helped a bit too much but heck: this is the time if giving and caring, so I don't care about that :D

    Errr, wait, something seems off here :p

    I really enjoyed myself here and as I said before: if you guys need help next time then I'm volunteering. But to be honest I think you guys did a great job so far. Yes, in theory people can "cheat" a little bit by also giving stuff to other players. Fun fact: I know it happened, and not so much because of me (sorry, I'm not telling ;)). So I do hope you guys will be a little lenient with the price tag. It might not have been the secret santa's fault.

    But I also need to ask: is this really such a big problem? Ok, maybe I am also a little bit guilty here but you got to admit: this is the perfect way to give someone a few gifts while they will never know who you are ;)

    Which suddenly reminds me of something :)

    Bottom line: I think this is a great event!

    No worries, sometimes you got to be a little firm to keep us crazy players a little bit under control :D
    607 likes this.
  17. My only suggestion would be to edit the OP with the res# and drop off info. That's where people will generally look for it, rather than wading through 7 thread pages looking. I'm not complaining, but it may save you from repeating yourself so much.
    607, Sachrock and ShelLuser like this.
  18. Tip: copy that to the OP. It's where most people will look first. :)
    Ah. Saw that a bit late. But yeah, I agree!
    Sachrock likes this.
  19. Ok, did it. Thanks for all the suggestions.
    ScroogeMcFate, ShelLuser and 607 like this.