[Event]EMC Secret Santa

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by PupInAction, Dec 1, 2016.


Good Idea? Bad Idea?

Good! 46 vote(s) 97.9%
Bad, NEVER try anything like this again. 1 vote(s) 2.1%
  1. Thats what I thought, but I only said people had to get only 1 present (that follows the rules) and so I did not want to make them feel obligated to have to give everyone a gift.
    Thanks Shell :)
    ScroogeMcFate and ShelLuser like this.
  2. Glad to help. I was worried I'd come off sounding rude or mean about it. I was truly just trying to be helpful.:D
    607 likes this.
  3. All is good. Your event is coming together nicely. *so exciting*


    I cant wait, hope I can make the party ok...
    AyanamiKun and WolfInAction like this.
  4. Alright Guys. at 6pm EMC time today the residence will be closed and be prepared for the party. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you have not gotten your gift in, you have 3 hours to do so before it is too late! Remember, the residence is on Utopia at 5744.
    ScroogeMcFate likes this.
  5. The Party date and time has been decided! (Cheers, hollers)
    The day will be December 23rd, 2016
    The party will be held on Utopia at Residence 5744 @12pm EMC time.
    I hope you will all be able to make it!
    607, ScroogeMcFate, Moonglum_ and 4 others like this.
  6. I will try... to wake up. hehe
    WolfInAction likes this.
  7. Will be at work then. Probably won't get to make it unfortunately.
  8. I'll be getting my hair did but hopefully will be on after. Hope you all have fun :)
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  9. Hey, I believe I'll be able to make that, actually.
    That's cool!
  10. Yay! The day has finally come! The event did not make it into the events calendar (unfortunately) so Im announcing it here as well as 30 minutes before on every smp. Who else is excited?!
    MajorHaze, Sachrock and ScroogeMcFate like this.
  11. Woo I am very excited
  12. Hm... There's a chance I'll be there. A lot has been going on lately, though, so don't count on it. :)
    ScroogeMcFate likes this.
  13. I will try my best to make it but, i may not be able to
    ScroogeMcFate likes this.
  14. The Event is Starting!
    ScroogeMcFate likes this.
  15. Crap, I may have missed it. I just woke up.
    Raaynn and WolfInAction like this.
  16. Ha. S'okay. You beat me by almost two hours cuz i'm just waking up. Hope the party was great people!
    Jay2a likes this.
  17. I am now here... all alone.... was I too late... :(

    But I have picked up my gifts... I believe i have discerned my Secret Santa through means of a magic cookie of Divination... ?!?

    LOVE the name of the horse, ...you have no idea :) Merry Christmas...
  18. just went by, seems the access sign is wrong so i cant look into my chest
    607 and WolfInAction like this.
  19. Oh, I'm so sorry about that! I'll make sure to fix that as soon as I get on.
  20. Alrighty, access sign has been fixed.
    607 likes this.