[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. I know, grammar is the 1 class I reparably fail
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Just checked a map, more European than I thought :p

    Still technically asia too though apparently :p
  3. I think you might want to change that to repeatedly.
  4. So his post insulting your grammar warrants a reply (that, by the way, fuels his point against you lol) but mine doesn't.

    Really? Because a part of Russia and some of Kazakhstan is European and that's way further east. And Turkey is considered European too, and Georgia isn't much more east than that.

    I might just be confusing culture with geography though :p
  5. I think reparable is an apparently unintentional, but appropriate word choice.
  6. I doubt it will be repaired as Trump will almost certainly significantly cut funding to education to pay for his huge tax cuts to the top 1% of taxable income earners.
    TuckerAmbr and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  7. i understand XD i accept his point because he is right XD. arguing with u however will take me forever util 1 of us gives up and i am not going to start a war over the differences in political opinion between the 2 of us.

    i think this is all a misunderstanding because of my bad word choices and lack of grammar and spelling XD
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. Urm, the definition of a republic is a sovereign state with a form of government where elected individuals represent the citizens. The implication there being that a republic is a democratic nation.

    And more technically anyway, the US is really a federation, with a democratic system of government.
    ESSELEM and SoulPunisher like this.
  9. No one seems to know what America stands for anymore...

    Either because we've been lied to by definition of deceitfulness (which is withholding the truth), or because times have changed so drastically that we may need to reconsider how we incorporate/define things in our modern American society...

    (This isn't 1776 anymore, keep that in mind everyone...)
  10. I wish it was 1812 so the British could torch the White House again, except this time Donald Trump and Mike Pence are in it and burn in the flames.

    The White House will go out in a toupee-shaped puff of smoke that billows away, high up into the sky, marking the true death of the establishment.
  11. Donald Trump won the election for one reason... a huge number of people that voted twice for Barack Obama did not show up to vote for Hillary Clinton.

    Now whether that reason was because they felt Clinton had it in the bag and thus they didn't need to show up or whether it was because they disliked Clinton so much that they didn't want to vote for her is a question the Democratic Party needs to figure out if they plan on fighting for the next election.

    The Democratic Party did an absolutely horrible job during this campaign and because of it they lost not only the Presidential election but also control of both houses of Congress.
    Equinox_Boss and IsaacNorman like this.
  12. I actually learned about mostly this part in my American History course the other day. I thought it was pretty ironic since we perceive it as a song about freedom, yet the original anthem saw it as "haha, no slave can escape us!"

    EDIT: Also, http://seeyouin2018.com/
    ESSELEM likes this.
  13. Nope, I for one am not American, and I'm so glad I'm not. That pledge of allegiance thing is just flat out weird and something I'd expect out of something like Nazi Germany or North Korea. It just exudes toxic nationalism.
  14. A republic is a form of sovereign state. The republic is America. It is a democratic nation because people elect their representatives.

    You're mixing your facts with the differing forms of democracy. The form discussed in your post is a direct democracy, which is a highly inefficient form for a country as big as the US. Instead you use a representative democracy, where you elect someone to represent your wishes in a more effective way.
  15. Most Americans are going to shoot me for saying this but I stopped saying that when I left elementary school; that's when I learned the truth about much of our past as a country, which gave me a very good reason not to support them in regards of all of that.

    Unless I'm forced to put my hand on my chest, I just stand there; if I'm forced to use my hand, I just stand there with the hand on my chest. I stopped being a sheep when I was a kid.
    ESSELEM and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  16. It's the stupidest thing ever. I just stand. I don't do anything. It's so weird.
    ESSELEM and IsaacNorman like this.
  17. Watch this. Of course, contains some language unsuitable for children.
  18. If Bernie runs in 2020, he'll automatically get my vote. He was the cleanest option the Democrats had, that is, until he didn't make it pass the primaries... :(
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  19. ^ Wait, so you just proved my point then disputed it?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
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