EMC global outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by jkrmnj, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Congratulations! You are part of EMC's largest outpost. There is no need to apply; everyone with an account on the forums is a member of this outpost already.

    With that said, there is a lot of work for you, and everyone else who is in this outpost. Although in its infancy, there is a chance for this to grow into something new and fascinating. In order to reach that potential, you must engage and help us grow.

    How can you help your outpost? By voting and taking part in its decision making process while also participating in normal outpost activities. With the help of the EMC community, we can keep adapting and improving.

    Although rules will be made and removed, there is one central guiding rule that can never be infringed upon:
    The current system for voting is as follows:
    1. propositions are created by a player and posted through a Google Form. See this for more information.
    2. Players find propositions that need votes here or on this thread. Players respond to the associated form for that proposition.
    3. After 5 days, a propositions is closed and the results recorded.

    Claim Laws for Albion:

    8 propositions have passed:
    To adopt a new constitution
    To keep Albion's name for the claim
    A new voting system
    To make jkrmnj the establisher
    To make Albion our initial claim on SMP9
    No naturally generated or man made structures shall be destroyed or modified within 5 blocks of
    their edges unless another proposition grants the use of the land. Placing torches is an exception.

    To change the number of days for a vote from 7 to 5
    To establish SMP9 as the server for our outpost

  2. I like the sounds of this. As for which smp.. since we cannot TP back from our outposts yet and I am super far out at mine, I vote for any smp but 5 :D
  3. I am not aware of any really big outposts on 3 and it also seems to be a relatively quiet server so it should work well. Does anyone else have any ideas for this or should it be put to a vote?
  4. do smp8 :D it is a awesome server
  5. SMP8 is very popular though in town and in the wild making it harder for people to participate on. The best servers are often times the worst for outposts :p
  6. I will try to take part in this project.
    ILTG, Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  7. I vote pretty much anyone except for 3, as I am already way out with an outpost.
    Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  8. YESSSS, we need something like this, good going JK!

    I vote we ask Shell for tons of rails so that we can get a nice rail going to the outpost. I'd also like to use my (non-existing) veto right to vote against votes to stop Shell donating lots of rails to us :D

    More seriously: I love this, I can't promise to actively participate because even with the stuff I do now I already notice to get back tracked (mostly due to work or "not feeling like it") so I won't take up anymore. BUT if I can help a bit :)

    Aya and me raided a mineshaft last week, I now have too much rails. If you can use it: done.

    And congrats :p you also won my Shell competition, the one I just made up this evening (seriously) and where the rules are very vague indeed. If you're very new or returnign or have awesome ideas you somehow won a prize :p

    You're the winner of category 3. Amazing indeed, we only had 1 when this thing started :D

    Sorry... small sidestep: sometimes I think we can use a little more crazyness instead of all those static rules. "I drop prizes because I can,if you catch them good for you and if not: awwww".

    So yes, you won a vault voucher JK and so did Kloned. Galan is the runner up for a stable voucher :D

    Why? What rules? How did this happen? It happened and you just missed it ;)

    PM me about the rails,or maybe other stuff you may need (I can't give guarantees, I'm not GRIP, but if I can donate some for this cause then I will!).
  9. same as shell i don't have a lot of time to be active in this outpost
    but i'll be happy to help with any needed resources :D
    and maybe if i have more time i'll join it too :p
    Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  10. I vote Smp6
    Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  11. I vote any smp but 3
    Equinox_Boss, jkrmnj and AncientTower like this.
  12. Smp3 is has got my vote. smps 2,5,6,7,8 are my busiest spots.
    Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  13. Ha, this reminds me of 72Volt's ideas, in a way!
    I'm always in for these sorts of interesting stuff. :)

    How about we make a list of all smps and every member can comment what smps are inconvenient for them?

    Voting for which smp to do it on is an option too, but then we might get one which some people really like but others would hate. It'd be better to have an smp many people are okay with than an smp some people are the most happy with, in my opinion.


    Which ones of these would be inconvenient for you?
    I'll try compile a list containing everybody's input.

    For me: I'd rather not have it on smp8 or smp7. Crazyminerpete specified smp3 already, LtCaptainMe did too, and ThaKloned mentioned smp5.
  14. SMP1,6,7,8 would all be inconvenient for me. So, 2,3,4,5,9 would be my vote.

    Smp1 has wild thingies I lked to use, 6 is pvp and manic miners mall which is the only one I really need outside of +poof on utopia. 7 is where i live both in the wild and town and 8 has the public utilities +deco and... nah that's all 8 is really good for except poking fun at :D
    Equinox_Boss, jkrmnj and 607 like this.
  15. Equinox_Boss, Gawadrolt and jkrmnj like this.
  16. smp2 would be bad for me also 7 and 4 cuz of carthaga and LOL
    Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  17. I think you mean LLO. also, dont forgot lakeside.
  18. it is all about compromise my friend XD a dead server in ton makes horrible outpost but a live town makes amazing places XD i own 5 outpost on 8 they are great it so far from town that it is not even viewable on the map from max unzoom XD 160k is a good start
    Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  19. yeah actually I did mean lol but yeah I had forgotten completely about llo
    Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  20. That is a good idea. Everything but 1 and 2 work for me. This is completely based on something 72Volt said a year ago and something I tried to do around that time. Sadly, it never really caught on so I changed the things that seemed broken and remade it. So far, this seems to be much better and more fun.

    So far, it looks like 9 is the only one without any problems although we can wait a bit and try to get more data. when we have some more people, we can look at which one causes the least inconveniences and make an official vote for that one.

    On an unrelated note, thanks 607 and Shelluser for murdering my inbox :p