EMC global outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by jkrmnj, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Yeah, I think using Global Outpost will work fine.
    Equinox_Boss, Kytula and jkrmnj like this.
  2. I was looking at the location on the live map and it seems like it could work. My only concern is that things are built there. If we end up tearing down or building around some of the things that have previously been built, it could be seen as griefing.

    My question for a staff member is whether MBA's transfer of ownership gives our outpost permission to do whatever we want on that land, including the destruction of anything previously built there.

    The last thing I want to say is that we probably want to create some basic rules or a plan before we head out there. We don't have to go full government yet but something basic about what we do out there might be good.
  3. A lot of the buildings there were built by the few of us active there, and they're mostly empty. They could probably be repurposed and some of them demolished. There's a few buildings there that are configured for government use that could be useful to keep.

    It would probably be a good idea though to sort out some set of rules first.
    SoulPunisher, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  4. So... What shall we do? :p
    I don't really know, as I've never succesfully been a part of an outpost in the Wilderness.

    @mba: what kind of rules are you thinking of? You could suggest some, of course. :)
    Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  5. This is the Capital city and currently most active city in the east wild on SMP9, with around 5 residents.

    Here is a map of the East wild with Estona and its surrounding towns, mostly uninhabited minus Terra to the north of wrem and Parisco also having 1 to 2 residents in them most of the time. We would be happy to have more residents and attempt to participate in this outpost, as much as we can. Thank you! Keep us in mind with future plans. There are already huge rail systems connection all the outposts of Estona. Consult me and I will talk with the Founders Council to move foward with anything.
  6. Sorry about the temporary absence, but I am back now.

    The voting period is now 5 days instead of 7.

    I just started a pm with some staff members and am awaiting a reply on how exactly they would want the transfer of land to go in the case that we use it. If they are OK with us using the land offered by MBA, I think that would be our best bet since it would simplify much of what we would have to initially do.

    I would also like to vote on the following rule to start us off:

    The purpose of this would be to ensure that important or useful structures are not destroyed prematurely.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  7. I got a reply from JDHallows. Here is a quote of what he said:
    So basically,
    should post on whatever thread the outpost got established on with the change in ownership IF the proposition passes. With that said, I would like to propose it:

    Equinox_Boss, 607 and mba2012 like this.
  8. If you are free anytime tonight and want to visit any of the cities (IE joule, volt, or maximus) I am free all night and would love to take you out if you already haven't been.
    Equinox_Boss, jkrmnj and mba2012 like this.
  9. I would be interested in heading out. Are there any instructions you can give me to get out there quickly?

    edit: Probably in a couple of hours I will head out.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  10. Yes I should be online, but if I'm not head to the east outpost and go to 9968, -24, its slightly northwest of the spawn and on a frozen pond, go through the portal and there is a huge rail hub leading to every major city in the east wild, if I catch you online I can guide you, some of the rails are awkward to traverse
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. The outpost isn't actually an officially established outpost. Because of all the extra land around it, and the proximity to Estona (which is an established outpost), we aren't able to officiate it. So really, it's just a case of me saying it's yours.

    In regards to the rule you're proposing, I think it may be a good idea to write it in as clear terms as possible. Some of your terminology there may be misunderstood and misinterpreted by some.

    Also, Volt has some buildings designed for government use and I'd like to see those used :p

    I'll make a brief suggestion now for how I think you could incorporate some government elements in the future. The important thing is to keep it as simple as possible, and everyone needs to understand clearly where their responsibilities lie. The complexity and confusion is what brought down the NR, which is obviously the outcome we'd want to avoid.

    The best idea I see is having a small council of between five and ten members. Every member is elected, plus another member is elected separately as the president. The president then coordinates the activities of this council, which basically act as a legislature and an executive combined. Responsibilities such as transport and relations with other outposts would be allocated to council members by the president. This council would be tasked to create rules as necessary, but they would be encouraged to act by consensus rather than majority rules. If a consensus can't be reached, then it would go to a popular vote. Requiring a consensus rather than just a majority vote would also reduce the effect of party politics that I'd expect would eventually occur.

    A system like this won't need to be implemented until we're well established and there's enough of a population, but I really don't want to see some of the builds here going to waste :p
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  12. I was just saying that Estona's there and active, just giving them the whole east wild map rather than just the main land, and we are happy to work with and perhaps incorporate ourselves at some point in the future!
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  13. Yeah I totally get that, I was just saying the Volt itself isn't established :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Not having an official outpost seems like it could cause problems down the line. I imagine you never had problems with it in the past, but it is still something that worries me a little. I am wondering what others think. Should we move ourselves a little bit to enjoy the benefits of officially being an outpost or not?

    I'll give more of a reply on the government stuff once we get this done.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  15. Just my personal opinion: I would recommend, if possible at all, that this became an established outpost. One of the benefits of being an established outpost is the owner of an outpost can set up rules and guidelines for building, and can actually enforce said rules and guidelines (with the support of staff, if necessary).

    For example, one outpost in particular that I have had experience with in the past became very large, and had 20+ builders in it. However, they did not establish their outpost and thus, when players became inactive or did not follow the building guidelines, these players builds could not be moved, removed, or repurposed.

    So if you have plans to create rules and guidelines for this outpost, and wish to be able to enforce them (and at times have a staff member aid in enforcing them), then I would strongly recommend making sure that you establish this outpost.

    Here is the official thread on establishing outposts, I would recommend also giving it a quick read: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/how-to-establishing-your-outpost.46390/

    I like this idea, and will keep an eye on this thread to watch it grow. Good luck to all of you!
  16. I agree, the problem is the location. I'll go and discuss with some people who own nearby structures and see what I can do.

  17. What's a 'structure'?
    Does this mean we wouldn't be able to build anywhere without a 'proposition'? And what is a proposition, anyway?

    Well, as said, it isn't and as it is now can't be established, so for now I'll say 'no'.

    jkrmnj and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. Structures would be things in this list (the buildings section) although I see how it could be confusing since even the wiki includes trees and mountains as types of structures. As you and mba pointed out, the wording isn't very clear. Also, Propositions are the things we vote on.

    I will likely still head out there and just wander around looking for a possible location and scouting the land. Are there any other ideas for locations?
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  19. In that case:

    I say yes!
    Equinox_Boss and jkrmnj like this.
  20. I'm still seeing what I can work out for establishment/protection in volt. Because of the proximity of Estona and other settlements, it may not be possible.

    In other comments, I'd like to propose a rule that restricts peoples use of build mode and the anti grief update. There's spots all over Volt at the moment that can't be fixed or modified, and I've just suffocated in a wall because I couldn't dig out. So I think we need to either restrict building protection completely, or ensure that people only use it on their own land.