When I was younger, bunnies were my favorite animal, still are I guess. And yes, I could spell "bunny" right, I had a stuffed bunny I'd had since I was a baby creatively named "Bunny Rabbit". But in 6th grade i decided bunny looked better with an I instead of a y. Bunny Rabbit became Bunni Rabbit. Thus my first username, bunni6 (bunni + the year of schooling i started using this as a username) if you see a bunni6 online the chances are pretty good that its me haha. I changed my username to JustCallMe_Bunni just because bunni6 was starting to get a bit boring and I wanted to shake it up a bit haha This isn't my final name change though, I'm currently contemplating other "Bunni" related names that I'll enjoy for the long term For now, just call me Bunni
Khalietal Ken Voliur. Where the heck does that come from... When I was younger 12 to 18 yo, I had a great group of friend and we played Dungeon & Dragon from first to third edition most of our summer times. I was mostly playing Wizards and Sorcerers and eventually I ran out of ideas for a name... I saw a really cool documentary on tv with my dad not long after my dilemma. I never saw anymore information on the matter. They supposedly found a room with a tomb burried way deep in the sand somewhere in the middle east. The architecture was more egyptian/mayan than Mesopotamian. Inside the room was a lot of writtings in a dialect lost to the world. They kinda of decyphered Khalietal Ken Voliur which stands for Fire Spirit, floating to it's own freedom/liberty... That stuck with me forever and that wizard had now a cool name. He has also been the most badass character we ever made together. I quickly adopted that weird name that no one else used online. That became my identity in every games. Even today I couldn't find any information about that tomb. I wanted to share a link to some info on it because it was so unusual...
Well M is for Mischievous which was in my old name, Mischievous_Wolf. And the qb looks like my logo in my avatar.
Summer Is For When My Birthday Is, In The Summertime Rainbow Is Just Because I Like Rainbows And Think They're Beautiful
totally missed ur comment! i know thread is old, but b/c we have tons of new ppl i dont think its a prob. theres a lot of options, but i think u mean chan: aya-chan = little aya or cute aya ^.^ aya-san = ms. aya and aya-kun = ms. aya (bit more polite, more commonly used) and aya-sama (very polite Ms. Aya). but as usual with Japanese a lot of these mean other stuff with other context.
My username has a rather boring story. My full name is George E. Phelps IV. Therefore I am the fourth Phelps which translated to Phelps4 as my username.
Well, My username was originally "Infextion" But decided I wanted to shorten it up a tad, So I had tried using the name "Fex" but sadly that name had been taken.. So I then tried "Fexu" and WALLAH! Fexu was created.. Rather odd.. but true.. lol
My real name is Adrian and it's common for Adrian's and Adam's to have the nickname "Adde" at least in Sweden. So I just added the "P" to the name and just put a random number on as well and BOOM... I was padde73. I almost never go by the name padde in any other game anymore but I still go with the "padd" theme. Like Paddz, Paddzor, Paddzoro or even Paddzonka.
To tired to mull over all the posts in this thread to see If I posted anything. I get my name after an adult beverage. Not because I drink but because I like the bottle the beverage is encased in. The bottle is very festive. It gives off this good vibe sort of deal. I tend to be very positive.
Err, I have no reason really. Although back in 2012, I was playing the Minecraft Classic in browser, and I just made any username. Lots of names were taken believe it or not, so I just typed in random letters (jjhhgg). I then proceed to forget the password for jjhhgg, and thus jjhhgg100123 was born. I've been thinking about changing it, but I've used this name so much I've just connected to it and would be sad to see it go...
You and Seffy have the same middle name. I first made my username in 2007: ultimatemax. Later, I changed it to Ultimamax and then Ultimamaxx because Ultimamax was taken on Minecraft. With the shortened version, "Ulti," Jelle68 suggested that I should change my username to UltiPig.
i was originally "thatsillyjohnkid", and that came from me being really into a webcomic at the time ( and, truthfully, i'm still into it even though it's ended now ) called homestuck. i grew attatched to a character, and i just kind of made a name from it, although rather uncreative. it grew on me over time so i stuck with it. i changed it to johnkid a while back and have stuck with that now because it is still a part of my old name, just shorter and a bit simpler, and i've grown fond of it shortened, at least for now .
I accidentally came across this thread, and my username has a rather peculiar story behind it so I thought I would share: When I was in the fifth grade (about 10 years old), I was playing outside at school and I believe that my friends were home sick, so I was all alone that day. I got really bored, so I stuck my arms and legs out like a starfish, or like I was frozen halfway through a jumping jack and teetered back and forth from leg to leg. Then I started singing this song that basically went along the lines of "I'm a Fluffy Marshmallow" in two different pitches, one going higher at the end. Later that day, when we got off the bus, I convinced my younger brother of 8 or 9 at the time to join in with me and creep out my mother. So we did. And for some reason, after that point, my videogame usernames were all related to marshmallows. Some of which include "Marshmallowluv" and this one. This specific name came from fluffymarshmallow being taken and also one character too long, so for the longest time, my username was fluffemarshmallo. But I was like, "I look like a five year old that can't spell or even capitalize." So I capitalized it once name changes came around. However, anywhere else on the internet, my username is llew23 or lelew23 because Llewellyn takes way to long to write and say, so I usually write llew. The e in the second one came from my middle name, which is Elizabeth. The 23 came from this old game I used to play online and the previous accounts name was llew25 and I got stuck on a level on that one and couldn't leave, so I had to create a new account which I called llew24, and that had the same problem which led to llew23. So yeah. That's it. TL;DR-Song about marshmallows, Fluff has a weird and complicated first name and also issues defeating worlds on online games. I apologize for any grammatical/spelling errors this may have. I'm on mobile.
About three years ago, when I was still living in America, I was super into theatre. I was in a play at a local performing arts centre and in it was a name I came to love. It was an original work and the director had named a character Scarmanzer (it was a play about aliens) and I fell in love with it. Well, I actually fell in love with the girl who was playing her, but after a while we broke up, but I still loved the name. So, when I first created a Minecraft account, I had no idea what to name it. So, thus the name was born! And now I despise theatre with all my heart, so it works out for everyone
G- I'm from the illuminatti A- all seeing eye W- wacky A- the letter looks like the spaceships that nasa is building at area 51 D- half moon(so they can turn the alien moon base toward the earth without us seeing it) R- Ray guns that control your thoughts O- Alien probes have this effect I- Isis is a goddess of fertitility and she has returned to reshape babylon T- The CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS, MI6... they all have three letters because they control your third eye. Oh yeah... there is an L instead of an I now... because Isis is gonna "L"ose because that boogey man Russia is gonna save the middle east from the luciferian cult known as the "west"
I did alredey think, you've got a brillient name, I always wonderent who thought it, thank you very much for sharing this with me