[AMA/Giveaway] 1000 Days and 1 Year as Mod! ^_^

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by AnonReturns, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. ill give you mine as a congrats :D :D :D :D :D
    AnonReturns likes this.
  2. ill mail it :3
    AnonReturns likes this.
  3. Hi Anon... hope all is well this summer and many congratulations on your 1000

    My standard q? What is your favorite build... and where is it located?
    AnonReturns likes this.
  4. This is a tough question! I don't think I have a favourite build in all honesty, there's so many great things to see here with everything varying from one SMP to the next ^_^ I think the build I like the most will have to be my Something Fishy res at /v +sf on SMP9 :) I built that along with the help of some of my friends, and it's covered with really cute little deco heads that are just adorable (You should check out /v +deco on SMP9 !) ^_^

    It was bought to my attention that it may not seem clear that I am happy to receive donations for my giveaway! Please let me know if you want to contribute :)
    607 likes this.

    607 likes this.
  6. If you could have one color that you have to paint -everything- you own, what would it be? Keep in mind this includes every single thing in your home, so that means the walls/bathroom/toilet/bedroom/desk/table/carpet, everything.
    AnonReturns and 607 like this.
  7. I feel the need to answer this although it isn't my AMA, Gold.

    Real Question for her:
    If you could have an unlimited amount of one food, what would that food be?
    AnonReturns, 607 and ThaKloned like this.
  8. Probably blue, I initially thought black/white, but that'd be too depressing/bright, not sure what shade of blue but I like the colour blue :)

    Pizza, all of the pizza <3_<3
    607 likes this.
  9. so isn't it true that melons are better then pineapples?
    AnonReturns likes this.
  10. O.O i definitely gave it to you! lol i shall send another along.
    AnonReturns likes this.
  11. I think I'm just about on time :p First of all congrats on being able to put up with both us regulars and the greeny team for so long! My question -.-

    I'd like to go deep and ask why my parents like you more than me after metting you once for a total of 15 minutes and I guess while we're on the subject, why do you feel the need to bully me because of my lack of megspixels! ;)
    AnonReturns and TomvanWijnen like this.
  12. Based on American standard of writing dates this should be long over (7/8/16 is July 8th to us).

    Based on the fact that I know you are not American, and that Europeans use day/month/year format, and of course the date of the original post... I'd say I saw this just in time.

    Question: What is your favorite thing about being a mod?
    AnonReturns likes this.
  13. Last of the answers, will be doing the draw and posting the winners as soon as possible :) I will still be answering questions if you have any more, but no more names will be added to the draw :p

    I wouldn't say that it's true, in all honesty melons and pineapples are equal :)

    I'll be adding it to my museum when I next work on it ^_^ Thank you :3

    Yeah you're fine :p Thank you :) You'll have to ask them why they like me, maybe it was just a good first impression :rolleyes: I don't bully you because of your lack of megapixels, Fendy does :p

    You did see this just in time, and you also asked me the most repeated question of the thread :p My favourite part of being mod is genuinely helping people and receiving sincere thanks :)
    AyanamiKun, ShrinkingMatt and 607 like this.
  14. Winners, woo! :D All numbers from the spoiler in post 1 have been put into RANDOM.ORG and have then been drawn to calculate the winners seen below. Names in the spoiler have been highlighted if you have won something, which you can check below :) I will be mailing out prizes when I am next in game and not busy - will turn bullet point green when sent out :p 38 total winners!

    - 10 x 10k = megmewX, nltimv, NoahDMan, Raayn, dankmemesfan, MoreMoople, xcicigirlx, DWMom, Pub18, Khixan, PupInAction.
    - 1 x Iron Supporter Voucher = HawkIsABugle
    - 12 x Stable + Vault Voucher = Rundercaster, Nighthawk3846, ShrinkingMatt, Zarembo1, OmarWrongChat, dunderscore, Dufne, 607, AyanamiKun, TomvanWijnen, EquableHook, Keliris.
    - 1 x Stack of Diamonds = Kytula
    - 2 x Bonus Chest = MasterMockery, FDNY21
    - 1 x 2014 Headless Horseman Mask = Poofasaurus
    - 1 x 2014 Labor Bench = ESSELEM
    - 1 x 2014 IDay Firework = Skeletin007
    - 1 x 16 Haunted Candy = MobMeal
    - 1 x Avalauncher = Kippy159
    - 1 x Pot of Gold = Sachrock
    - 1 x 64 Cupid Arrows = WardleDeBoss
    - 1 x Unb III Cupid Bow = AmusedStew
    - 4 x 32 Emerald Blocks (Kindly donated by OmarWrongChat) = Jadziaa, GeneralWillikers, LtCaptainMe, madidiot21
  15. there I fixed up some spelling issues :D :p
    Jelle68, SkeleTin007, Abele and 3 others like this.
  16. Wow, RANDOM.ORG must have been rigged! :p XD
    NathanRP and Abele like this.
  17. :confused: I missed the drawing but congrats !!
    AnonReturns likes this.
  18. Thank you :3 <3
  19. Wooo! I won something :D

    Thank you very much :)
    AnonReturns and 607 like this.
  20. Thank you anon! and congratulations once again ^_^ it's great having you on EMC <3
    AnonReturns and 607 like this.