[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Wow. Way to add to the discussion! That's a really intriguing concept.
    607 and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  2. Why would anyone even attempt this lol

    I'm pretty sure I was taught not to use chlorine with alcohol when I was like 11.

    It sounds stupid to us too. In the UK we say 'Contains swearing' or 'adult language', never 'may contain language'. :rolleyes:
    What an interesting opinion that added a load to the discussion. Thanks for sharing your singular full stop!
    607 likes this.
  3. But it does haha.

    No matter where you are in the world, the President of the United States will have an effect on your life. The US is devoted to bending Europe and the European Union - which is probably the closest thing we have to a second superpower right now ($18 trillion GDP, the most soft power in the world, a large number of immigrants, the world's best universities and cheap/free tertiary education, and a number of the world's best armies at its disposal) - to its will (and our politicians annoyingly comply all the time), they are devoted to bombing the Middle East because of mistakes they made nearly 100 years ago which creates things like ISIS, they intervene in civil wars in Africa, they kill people in South America, and they are trying to assert their dominance over Asia and still technically have Japan under military occupation. They illegally spy on everyone and everything.

    They are the most powerful person in the world - more so than any other politician in the world. Not even the Chancellor of Germany, or the President of China, or the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom can rival them.

    The next president will also pretty much decide whether TTIP is a go or not. That thing is horrendously bad.
    607, Dr_Chocolate and StoneSky like this.
  4. That could not be more false. The corruptness that is American politics affects the entire world.
    607 likes this.
  5. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. The public aren't even supposed to know about it, and it's pretty important. It could allow the UK's National Health Service to be bought up by US companies and privatised, which is something pretty much 100% of our country would never agree to apart from the politicians who get money off that happening. We hate the US, we love our NHS, and we don't want big businesses owning it and controlling our healthcare - see why it's a problem?

    Europe's food is also substantially healthier (and much nicer!) than American food. Under TTIP, they'll be the same.

    It is literally cancer.

    607 and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  6. We should set up an emc governmental republic and have elections.
  7. Me, mba, and rock0888 are doing something like this lol
    mba2012, Sgt_Pepper4 and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  8. Don't judge us.
    607, Sgt_Pepper4 and StoneSky like this.
  9. Forgot the diet coke.
  10. Don't judge us.
    607, SirTah, mba2012 and 2 others like this.
  11. 'Merica!
    EpicSubtastic likes this.
  12. The US hates you too. That we were forced to save you from enslavement by the Germans twice and still have to protect you because you are unable to protect yourselves. I would love nothing more than to leave NATO and let the rest of the world take care of themselves. I'm sure Putin would love to see that too. Just saying.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  13. England made the USA. Just saying.

    Nahh, the US only got involved for personal-revenge based reasons. Never actually to 'help out'.

    The US can't even protect itself from it's own people. Europe doesn't need and isn't protected by the US

    To be fair, the US causes most wars for their own gains, so theoretically the world would be better if the US just kept too itself.
    607, Dr_Chocolate and SoulPunisher like this.
  14. The US was never forced to help Europe. In both WWI and WWII, the US was directly threatened by Germany, or were at risk of being threatened. That is why you joined the war. Europe was fully capable of protecting themselves.
  15. Saved whom from enslavement by the Nazis? Hitler's plan was to unite 'pure' Germanic Europe under one Reich - so Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg, Flemish Belgium and the Netherlands. He'd then go on to acquire Lebensbraum for these Germans by wiping out the Slavic race and conquering Eastern Europe or setting up satellite states there. He'd leave the rest of the 'impure' Germans - I.E England (English have interbred with Celts) left to dominate the British Isles (after he reinstalled King Edward [bunch of Roman numerals] because he was a Nazi too) and continue our abandoned genocide of the Celts, and Switzerland etc. - as trading partners. Him conquering Europe like he did was as a result of the UK and France being unprepared for war but having to declare it.

    I'm not responding to the first world war part because that whole thing was based around the triple entente hating and fearing Germany, and was ignited by a Serbian terrorist assassinating the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and them using it as an excuse to annex Serbia. From what I can tell, we were doing pretty well. You just accelerated our victory.

    And yes, we're unable to protect ourselves. That's why you threatened to essentially destroy the UK and France if we continued to protect what was rightfully ours back in the 50s and cut one more superpower out of the picture. That's why you forced the European powers to decolonise rapidly while you had their economies under your temporary control and forced them to not respect cultural boundaries, leading to things like the Syrian Civil War today. That's definitely why the US lead NATO into illegally bombing Serbia and Kosovo in the 90s, killing thousands of people. That's definitely why you've started multiple wars in the Middle East that now has refugees spilling into Greece, who is already unable to support its own population. Thanks America!

    And I'm sure we can handle Russia just fine. Their partnership with the European Union is beneficial to them, we can handle their poorly-trained military and low quality equipment with our well-trained and well-equipped armies (all three of them, with additional manpower supplied by another 24). We'd also have every single one of the major commonwealth realms (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, etc.) thrown into there as well, who also have great armies.
    607 likes this.
  16. I understand the English hate the Americans and that's fine. I understand you wouldn't possibly believe that anything the US did during the wars in any way helped mitigate any suffering England would have gone through and that's fine. I agree the US is a war mongering country and I hate that. And I wish we would stay out of Europe's and the rest of the world's affairs including leaving NATO and slashing our military budget. Get entirely out of the Middle East and let the counties there deal with ISIS. Walk away from Poland, the Baltic states and the rest of eastern Europe and let them deal with Putin's aggression. And I'm sure if we did that it would make you happy too. But, alas, I can't control that. So I guess just keep hating us.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  17. The US was a founding member of NATO and has actually caused other member countries to get involved with wars. Also, ISIS is not just a simple problem in the sense that the US can be like,"nah ISIS, we're alright fam". ISIS don't care. At all. Terrorism is not some organised country-like operation. They're at war with the US and won't back-down. Also, the US had a huge role to play in the formation of ISIS and many other terrorist organisation groups.
    607, Dr_Chocolate and SoulPunisher like this.
  18. Well, no, because that's America's fault. And all of the countries who have meddled in the Middle East in the past. It's all of our duties to stop ISIS, not the countries there - like they can do it anyway. Half of them are splitting up and are at war with eachother... because of the US. lol.
    607, Dr_Chocolate and nfell2009 like this.
  19. I know all problems of the world are the cause of the United States. All your suffering is because of Americans. We have never done anything to help anyone. I'm just saying I want out of the Middle East, all of Europe and NATO. Wouldn't this make you happy? Why are you beating on the American? I agree with you. I suppose it's just fun to beat on Americans.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
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