Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. *crosses fingers for this weekend possibly?*
    We3_Nub, ForeverMaster0 and Sansville like this.
  2. PLZZ?
    We3_Nub and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  3. you know how the vote bonus elytra instead of thorns X how about thorns IV

    We3_Nub likes this.
  4. So what your saying is, 1.9.4 just caused Aikar more work, not less. Thanks Mojang!
    We3_Nub likes this.

  5. Marlix looks unusually big in this picture.
    Amyleeplayz and Acemox2k like this.
  6. To be fair, every update causes Aikar to do more work. *looks at 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9) grr. Mojang and their pesky updates.
    megmewX, We3_Nub and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  7. I was hoping someone else wold update paper, but I might have to do it lol.

    But yes super close now. We will have to get new plugins for the other plugins we use now though as 1.9.2 plugins do not work on 1.9.4 but we only use a few anyways (WorldEdit for ex)
  8. To be fair, every update causes Aikar to do more work. *looks at 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9) grr. Mojang and their pesky updates.

    I wonder about minecraft 2.0 aikar would be like

    ForeverMaster0 and iamcavie like this.
  9. That's fine for me. I can stick with 1.9.2.

    1.9.4 is primarily for bug-fixing, including fixes you've reported.

    As always, keep going with the updating, Akair! You can do it!
    Kytula and We3_Nub like this.

  10. *Referencing Minecraft 1.10 may wreak hype for EMC 1.9.

    The update following 1.9 IS 1.10.
    It is confirmed by Minecraft PC's developers.


    We3_Nub and Gawadrolt like this.

  11. Smooth stone slab blocks maybe.
    We3_Nub and StoneSky like this.
  12. Easy fix.
    2x2 stone = Polished Stone
    Stone Brick >> Andesite Brick
    Add Diorite and Granite Brick

    Boom. You're welcome.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. Um.........so uh...... guys how bout dat 1.10?............Anyone? *walks away slowly*
  14. Please reconsider about discussing the far future on this thread.

    How will present time by enjoyed, while gazing too deep into the unknown future?

    If you want to talk about Minecraft 1.10 or later, please post in the "General Minecraft Discussion" section.

    zombrennen and We3_Nub like this.
  15. OMG OMG OMG!!! Oh no... My minimap! How will I keep my minimap?!
    I mapped 6000 blocks by 6000 blocks.. 50+ waypoints

    I hope Voxel Map will port properly in 1.9 :confused:
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  16. Gawadrolt and We3_Nub like this.
  17. i think most people here dont mind you taking longer tbh just hearing from you about it relieves my impatience because i know you are going to make it better then mojang did :)
  18. Ok, Official news time. Before 1.9.4 dropped, we were actually hoping to release 1.9.2 this week. It's pretty much ready minus few other tiny not required but want to knock them out things.

    But I just got us updated to 1.9.4 tonight, so give us some time to re-test and work out any 1.9.4 bugs (current concern over chunk leakage which will cause massive issues - need to be sure this isn't a bug to worry about. Might be a plugin this one person is using)

    So it is very possible we will update within the next 7 days


    We will not be updating in the next 48 hours, but anything after that is fair game without notice! (Sunday+, this is your notice!)
    Remove items from the wastelands IMMEDIATELY.

    Will be super happy to get this very long update out of the way!
  19. Yay! I won't have to switch minecraft versions anymore! :D
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