Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. /ch l
    Gawadrolt, We3_Nub and TromboneSteve like this.
  2. y is everyone a jerk to me? ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;

  3. Not every one has been a jerk to you there are ppl who are nice to you :p
    We3_Nub and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. no its just that every time I make a post I get turned down for it, also it makes me feel unwelcome to empire in genral
  5. I'm not trying to be mean. From here your posts appeared like one half of a conversation like what I see in Town chat sometimes. /ch l was a joking way of pointing that out to you.

    Is the Forum messed up and I am not seeing all the posts you are replying to?

    Oh I see / I agree / ikr / ???? - All from you in the last few minutes.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. oh sry besides im still turned down for the posts I make

    I just wish I could be heard for once

  7. We are all hearing you and trying to be kind :)
    People just have other opinions sometimes and are trying to discuss what you have said. No one is trying to turn you down; they are just having a discussion about what you said. The fact that people are replying to you means they are hearing you. Also, I would recommend using the reply button below people's posts and editing your posts if you come up with something new soon after posting. These two things will help people understand what you are saying better and provide context.
    I hope this helps you out :D
  8. thanks :3
    ShelLuser, We3_Nub and jkrmnj like this.
  9. but do u guys think that on 1.9 elytra it can be a voter's reward?


    voter's reward

    protection VI
    blast protection I
    projectile protection I
    thorns X

    let me know if that's a good idea!

  10. Elytra is supose to be a benefit(that you can fly) but mojang made it so you can't get prot from it. so the enchants in red are fistly too OP, sencondly against the idea of choosing equipment wisely, and thirldy those enchants are insade. So probs not like that
    We3_Nub likes this.
  11. no a voters reward like the voter boots its impossible to get feather falling V and second its possible to get blast and projectilg protection I, fam kay? :D

    and 3rd u can use and enchant book and fourth the promo chicken skewer has unbreaking VII on it that's impossible m8 ok?
    We3_Nub likes this.
  12. Hey meg, I think he was referring to the fact that unlike normal voter's gear (you can find them in the wiki), the enchantments you have suggested are a bit extreme with Thorns 10 and such.

    Also, try using the reply button. It is much easier to follow a conversation. ;)
    tuqueque1, We3_Nub, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  13. and fith for op enchants id say to get it you need a 1000 streak (scene its so op that's why its 1000)

    but read the next one I made then you will get it

    oh and sry for my bad spelling im only getting a d- in English...
    We3_Nub likes this.
  14. I have to go bai <3:eek::eek::confused:;):D:p:rolleyes:
  15. When did this become a chat room?
  16. Sometime today I believe.
  17. This actually isn't that bad of an idea. Right now voting rewards end at 300, so an unbreakable Elytra with some enchants (if possible) would be kind of cool at vote 400 for example. We have been asking for new voter's items for a while, and this would be an awesome addition. It would reward anyone that has continued voting beyond the 400 mark on the server and would, imo, cause a lot of people to start voting to obtain their free, unbreakable Elytra.

    Or, if the community decides that an unbreakable Elytra is "OP", then how about a free regular Elytra for every certain number of votes? Like very 100 votes you get a free Elytra.

    Elytra's are a rare and hard to get item, even with any changes Aikar makes to the End. With this in mind, I think that it would be a great way to get a lot more people voting for EMC and would slightly increase the number of Elytras in game.
    ForeverMaster0 and We3_Nub like this.
  18. The main point i was referring is that mojang made the elytra no prot for a reason. checks and balances. Too OP ruins, too weak not fun. I believe that mojang, actually made the elytra obtainability/ perks good on its balance, those enchants would just make it just another piece of armor, which they arent! they are suppose to make you fly, not protect you. So the enchants doesnt make sense, to the purpose of the item. just telling my opinion

    Voter items are leather for a reason, I mean they arent suppose to be that OP(as they are already are with unbreakable). Promos are promos, they have nice enchants and some that are unobtainable. but promos=voter items arent a thing.

    hoped I explained my self
    Sansville and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  19. God_Of_Gods likes this.
  20. EMC is actually very close overall. Aikar works during the day, so of course he has not had much time to seriously look at 1.9.4. It doesn't appear to be an extensive update, so I would imagine it will be much less intense to update. They will need to update the Paper branch of Spigot, and then Aikar will update EmpireCraft, and we will reevaluate if our plugin(s) need any changes as a result.
    God_Of_Gods, Ezebe and ForeverMaster0 like this.
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