{Free Services} List of Directories / TP Hub's on EMC

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by MiphaOfTheZora, Apr 21, 2016.


What do you think of this service?

Poll closed Apr 21, 2017.
Pretty cool! 25 vote(s) 92.6%
..meh 2 vote(s) 7.4%
Other, posted below 4 vote(s) 14.8%
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  1. Looking for a shop or attraction?
    Try visiting your local Directory!

    Think of this thread as a map to the Directory/Hub on your SMP. Those Directories host teleports to: the stocked shops, attractions, and other interesting things on your server. Below is a list of those Hub's on each server and includes a link to each of the threads about them.

    *These are all lovingly put together by players who want to help us (the community) out. Why not spread the word of /v +directory to help them out ;)

    Check out the Directories / Teleport Hubs on the other SMP's

    • Smp1= Kytula /v +directory (Open but still accepting new locations)
    • Smp2= ShelLuser UNDER-CONSTRUCTION
    • Smp3= DrewRadio /v 6002
    • Smp4= KaliaLlama /v +directory
    • Smp6= Raaynn /v +directory
    • Smp7=
    • Smp8= Sealeon UNDER-CONSTRUCTION
    • Smp9=
    • Utopia= Raaynn /v 5001 or /v +directory
    Updated 12/3/16
  2. If you want an awesome break down of shops this is the link for you! Thank you MatthewDA
    Also adding a quick link to
    Buy decorative player heads here:

    SMP1 ~ 303 (+Deco)
    SMP2 ~ 3470 (+Poof)
    SMP4 ~ 8020 (+Deco)
    SMP6 ~ 12006 (+Deco)
    SMP8 ~ 16860 (+Deco)
    SMP9 ~ 19489 (+Deco)
    EvKem /v EvKem or /v 11208
    Lil_Spartan_Cat /v +pig on smp8 and /v +furnace on smp8
    tuqueque smp8 at /v iulti(or /v 16059)
    keonizer1 smp 5 its on /v +headzg
    Averagewalrus /v 17532
    ThaKloned SMP5 /v 11729 and Also on SMP9 /v +deco
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. I was working on one as well on smp2, seems as if I was ninja'd by Shel once more :p
  4. The SMP4 Directory is located at 9308 (/v +directory).
    It's been up and running for a little over a year - I don't have a current forum post but it's about to undergo some major renovations and I will be creating a new post to announce it once it's done. Parts of it will still be accessible while I update so please come visit! :)
    Equinox_Boss, ESSELEM and Kytula like this.
  5. SMP3 has a directory at /v 6002 owned by Radio_Ed1t, but it hasn't been updated lately..:confused:
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Working on an smp5 one :)
    Equinox_Boss, lottie1664 and Kytula like this.
  7. It's been around for as long as I've been a player. I have permission to build on that residence (with an admin flag), so I'm sure I could build a little something. However, I don't have a clue what to make teleports to. I'd be glad to make it if someone familiar with SMP3 could give me a list of some places of interest.

    I'm a former SMP3er, so I do remember a few of them like /fun and 6697/7500.
    Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
  8. Directory needs maintenance, I think a good directory needs checks and updates at least once in a month.
    Weekly check and update would be perfect.

    Teleports to non-existent / not maintained / defunct shops can quite spoil the fun.

    To achieve that, the users of the directory should be able to easily mark entries as out of date - perhaps a simple or a bit less simple solution with redstone lamps could help.

    On the other side, shop owners might contribute a (small) amount monthly to have a teleport in the directory. That could cover the cost of checking if the shop is functional and would serve itself as a message "I'm maintaining my shop."

    Perhaps a group of few people could share the job?
    BitcoinDigger and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. 11464, I haven't started but I'e been going round finding some spots to add
    Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
  10. Well I WAS planning a hub for smp7 but that is far gone until I get all my accounts back
    Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
  11. I'd be happy to do one on 6 once I'm back. would be v 12011 or +directory
    Already felt it was missing
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. kytula my directory is being made its will finish on friday or before
    Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
  13. 95% done now puting up signs:)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. hurry up!
    Equinox_Boss, CoryLovesYou and Kytula like this.
  15. Sorry all. Was in the middle of putting it up when we recieved an order to evacuate our town which is currently on fire. 88000 evacuating and 1600 buildings destroyed so far. I will be back as soon as I am able. Currently only on mobile...
  16. D: now i feel bad
    Equinox_Boss and CoryLovesYou like this.
  17. No worries Bite, no way you could know. Just settled in a campsite now after 2 days of driving south. We are fortunate as we have only been in Fort McMurray 7 months. All my assets are overseas and just rent. My brother lives there though and his house is standing but at risk currently, so we are waiting to see what happens. Will be online a little in the coming days.

    Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
  18. OK, smp6 is up and running. I am still running around looking for other locations if anyone has something to be added.
    :cool: keep chillin'
    Equinox_Boss, Kytula and bitemenow15 like this.
  19. you missed 12249 and 12211 and maybe one other
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  20. Hiya Bite. Thanks, added both now, and if you recall any others just PM me. Still looking for any activity res's too (ie parkour etc.)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
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