Just thought I would start a SMP5 thread similar to the SMP8 thread but positive. You can post how excited SMP5 makes you. In my case - very
SMP5 has a way of creating this type of excitement. I was once so excited on SMP5 I forgot to go to work for 3 days. Imagine my bosses reaction. He really wasn't that excited though. Hard understanding people like that.
All 4 of my residences (10225, 10226, 10227, and 10228) are adjacent to each other and on smp5! smp5 is my home <3. Another thing why smp5 is exciting is because its main feature is shavingfoam (the person).
I believe smp7 and smp8 have a little something exciting going on every day Smp7 is nothing without me
Oh, yeah, smp5! Forgot about that one! I thought it went like smp1, smp2, smp3, smp4, smp6, smp7, smp8, smp9, utopia