[Forum Game] Would you Rather?

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by cTJx, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Please refrain from double-posting, there is a button that says EDIT on the bottom for a reason :p

    xBox FTW!

    WYR own a boat or a plane?
  2. A plane so I can fly around the world!

    Would you rather be stuck on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean, or get lost in the Himalayas?
    607 likes this.
  3. T
    Lost in the Himalayas because I can lol
  4. *insert answer to non-existent question here*
    Yer a school kid. Would you rather have no homework and 1 hour added on or homework at normal school time
  5. First one
  6. Please reply with a question. Would you rather have an iPhone or laptop
  7. Brining this back!

    I have both... but I think that I want another laptop if I had to choose. Mac, of course :p
    ObscureGolem likes this.
  8. You didn't really bring it back, you pretty much made it stop, by not providing new options :p
    cowland123 and StoneSky like this.
  9. Well, if we are bringing this back:
    Would you rather have to live through all the events of Game of Thrones or
    Have to live through all of the events of the Middle Ages (including the black plague)
    Kytula likes this.
  10. I would rather live through all the event of Game of Thrones>

    Would you rather control elements or time of the whole world?
  11. I would become the avatar and master all 4 elements

    Would you rather eat wafflez or eat pancakes?
  12. ;-; this wasn't answered so... live without electricity, but have the knowledge to handle any situation in life.


    WYR: Take a bullet for someone or let someone take a bullet for you?
    DufneIsANub, Kytula and MLG_Subtastic like this.
  13. pancakes 0-0
    Would you rather minecraft never updated to 1.10, or minecraft added tonnes of random stuff (like phones and fried eggs) in 1.10?
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  14. I would rather have Minecraft never update to 1.10.

    Would you rather cut your finger and dip it into lemon juice, or cut it and dip it in soap water
  15. I'd rather take a bullet.
    Soap and water

    Would you rather have Medusa's turn-people-into-stone curse or have xray eyes forever (can't control it).
    MLG_Subtastic and 607 like this.
  16. I forgot my own game! :p

    Eh... Medua's curse

    WYR always play MC on 1 fps or never play at all?
  17. What do ya think? I'd be dying from frustration! NEVER PLAY DA DAMN GAME.

    WYR: Have 6 serious mental disorders that affect your everyday life or have 6 special abilities that you can't control and active at random moments which usually happen when you're in public so you have to refrain from leaving a small isolated basement in the middle of the woods.
    DufneIsANub likes this.
  18. Second one.

    Would you rather have a perfect memory( you can also choose to forget things) or 3x better vision?
  19. Perfect memory.... I tend to forget a lot of stuff.

    If you were forced to choose, would you rather turn into a chicken or a cow?
  20. A chicken, since chickens can actually survive in the wild when cows can't.

    Would you rather have the ability to get ultimate super strength at the cost of breaking your bones if you go too far-
    Have the ability to be entirely modern, giving you supernatural freestyling abilities, knowing all the memes and trends in the entire world, and the ability to dunk on a giraffe.