[Forum Game] Would you Rather?

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by cTJx, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. So I will make one since you didn't make one :)
    Would you rather be a scurvy pirate or a hootin shootin bandit :p
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  2. a hootin shootin bandit, scurvy is gross.

    Have the power of flight, but lose the ability to talk OR Lose the need to sleep, but be parylized
  3. Flight, no speech.

    Would you rather eat japanese food or chinese food for the rest of your life?
  4. Chinese
    Would you rather have to only type in this color on this color
  5. Let's go with cc99ff. It seems nicer, the other one reminds me of creams for your skin which I don't really like. And well, I like purple. Let's try it out:
    Would you rather be moderator or senior staff?
  6. Senior staff definitely

    Would you rather be a slime or a magma cube
  7. Own emc and create 5million rupees with my owner powers.

    Would you rather spend a whole night in a haunted house, or one minute in a room full of cockroaches?
  8. Room with cockroaches. :p

    Would you rather wear summer clothes in winter or winter clothes in summer?
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  9. Summer clothes in winter. I'd just stay indoors all day. :p

    Would you rather get for free 600k rupees or 60k tokens?
  10. 600k rupees
    Would you rather have red or green hair
  11. Redhead

    would you rather be the unicorn from the Squatty Potty commercial or the one from "Unico and the Island of Magic'?
  12. Squatty Potty :) *Ice Cream for Dayz, boys!*

    Would you rather have an iPhone 6s or and iPhone 6s plus?
  13. iphone 6s plus, gobig or go home.

    Would you rather: Eat jelly beans forever or Eat chocolate covered bugs forever?
  14. Cholate bugs, gotta get that protein :p

    Would you rather sleep regularly(8 hours) or have naps (Intermittent Sleep for same amount of hours) For you rest of your life
    607 likes this.
  15. Sleep regularly ;)

    Would you rather by an smp8-ian or an smp5-ian (if you're not one already!)
  16. smp5ian
    Would you rather get 500k and diamond supporter or 1million and gold supporter
  17. Never have to work out
  18. You have to answer the last one asked. I'll reinstate mine
    Would you rather get 500k and diamond supporter or 1million and gold supporter
  19. One million and gold supporter all the way
  20. Xbox or ps4