I am sorry

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 1357911, Feb 24, 2016.


Do You Forgive Me?

Yes 15 vote(s) 18.1%
No 68 vote(s) 81.9%
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  1. Nice advertisement :)
  2. Just lightening the mood, or trying to anyway. Has1357911 been good since the thread started? If so, can healing start?
    Equinox_Boss, We3_MPO, SirCue and 2 others like this.
  3. I tried appealing guys but they said I am ip banned for a whole month! :(
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. 57 "No" to 9 "Yes" [Interesting, it might indicate something]

    As far as I can tell from the many responses and repeated terms of service being blasted upon you Maze I have myself a few words...

    Sure, it sucks being banned. Honestly buying more accounts and changing your IP address is strait ridiculous and expensive. I also heard from above that you buy rupees, with all your money you spent on EMC, I think you can buy a new computer and put the extra money to a Savings Account.

    If your buying accounts to ruin EMC as a whole, I will STRONGLY advise you to stop and look elsewhere to cause damage. It seems you caused enough trouble as is. If you learned your lesson, you would of appealed to your ban like a normal member and WAITED for a response back to the staff member who banned you. If that Staff member says, "1 month ip-ban" then wait!

    Of course there is tomorrow and IF you are willing to provide appeals for all your accounts, give ALL members respect, and willingness to follow rules... Only then, we all can reconsider you coming back.
  5. Then I guess you have to wait a month. Trying to buy more accounts and bypassing your ban again will only delay your appeal
    Equinox_Boss, We3_MPO and We3_10AC like this.
  6. I didn't get accounts because I wanted to ruin emc, emc is my favorite server and when I griefed I didn't do it to hert anyone's feelings.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Greifing as a whole IS NOT tolerated whatsoever. Good rule of thumb, if it isn't yours, don't touch it.
  8. You know what it doesn't even seem anyone on emc likes me or cares about me, so what is the point, every one on emc hates me! :( :( :( :( :( :(
    PetuniaFigtree and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. SO yeah...

    We all see more accounts and assume the player is a multiple offender. And of course we all feel the need to show our teeth and tell him where its at. You show 'm guys. Of course at the risk of actually making him feel more miserable than he already is (I dunno, assumption on my part).


    Ya'll provide him with an excellent platform of entertainment. Guess his effort was worth something afterall.

    Both scenario's could end up with in the same result... The player getting a little fed up with the whole thing and falling back to previous behavior. Maybe for the attention he got alone, who knows?

    Instead of throwing arguments at him and telling him how bad he was or you think he (still?) is why not leave that part of "retribution" where it belongs: the staff?

    He fessed up what his accounts were, he fessed up what he did and at first most of his accounts ended up banned and as far as I can tell all of his accounts are now banned. Staff made their decision, did their ruling, no need to "kick" him down even further.

    Just my 2 cents.
  10. You chose your actions either not believing or not caring that you'd be caught. The reason doesn't really matter. Whatever your motivation, you desired to grief and you did....repeatedly.

    So this is who you are. You are a griefer.

    Don't like the things you've done? Don't like the person you are? Make different choices. Be someone else. Theft and vandalism are not the worst sins. Put them behind you and become someone better.
  11. Agreed. He can't come inside so he's talking through the window (forums). I've left my thoughts so I'm moving on from this thread.
  12. You do realise he did it again after he admitted to it and said sorry.
  13. In my opinion, you can get banned with one of three effects on the server:
    • You hurt individual players in some way.
    • You harm the server in some way.
    • You have no effect on the server or players.
    The first one is pretty bad: think griefing or iPvP in the wild. You did harm other players. You did do it without any regard to the consequences. What's worse than harming a player--ruining their builds they could've spent months on, griefing multiple beacons after they were just replaced at FNM (wait... I remember, you griefed me too!)--is doing it again and again.

    The second one is worse. If you crash the server, make a section of the waste uninhabitable (lava, holes, etc), you're affecting multiple people at once. You haven't done this but you've come close to it with your repeat offenses.

    The third type: using xray, advertising servers, whatever, doesn't really matter in the long run. Still sucks to do but it's not terrible.
    Little rant aside, now for more of a rant:

    What bugs me most about all this is that you don't seem to give one damn about the players you've harmed through your actions. Your only regret is being IP banned on EMC. That is why you're "changing." That is what bothers you; not that you've ruined potentially dozens of players' work.

    You are tone of the reasons so many players are scared to build in the wild. You are one of the reasons why so many people are asking for anti-griefing. Think about that for a minute.

    Being IP banned for only one month is generous. Take it and stop complaining. While you're either doing something productive or sitting here complaining on the forums, grow a conscious and start to think about the effect your actions have on other players, not just on yourself.

    If this post made you think even a little bit; if you got mad at me for writing this; if (somehow) this post in particular makes you regret your actions and the effect they had on other players, not just yourself...

    Well, I played my part.
  14. I have changed well I have been gone
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. And penguindj your right I am a jerk I should just quit or change.
  16. My real question is why. What gave you the incentive to do the things you did, to get banned. Its up to staff to see if you really change, I guess. I still don't see what influenced you to make the choices you made. If you like Emc why would you do something to hurt people on it? Just my passing thoughts as I check my phone before bed.
  17. I typed my whole long thing out then it deleted it ._.
  18. No healing tonight?
  19. You should be jumping for joy if you manage to be permanently banned on 8 accounts and then get a sentence of a mere month. That is an amazing way to walk out of the door - with only a month.

    I'd take your sentence and be extremely happy and grateful with it; and be more mindful of the things you do now.
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