Friday Night Mining [2015]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by MrSocks75, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. You know, I loved all the decoration your brought along last time.... Didn't you build the walk-way's and more?

    I'm excited, this will be my second time attending the event! As well, this marks my WEEK old, in the server!
  2. i did, but i was also putting hedges in and giving people plant pots and bookshelves inside their houses and apparently a few people complained to the mods! which i get, i'm not bitter, i'm guilty!
  3. Lol, I will not complain if you decorate my dusty mining base :D
    just_five_fun likes this.
  4. Its already full :confused:, me and Blinky were gonna get married there but its full :p
    just_five_fun likes this.
  5. omg has it started already? oh i'm going to be one of those annoying question asking people...
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  6. Darn, it's on smp2 again, so I can't attend.
  7. yeah it's really full! btw, watching some of your let's plays atm! so fun!

    super fun while i was there! but seriously, whoever left that single block hole down to lava, consider yourself hexed!
    Gawadrolt and just_five_fun like this.
  8. This is a very long video of us playing during the event

    Thanks to everyone who played with us and hope to do it again soon!
    Uber_Corq and jossytheninja like this.
  9. my name showed up in chat *i'm famous* lol nice vid i always like watching them.
    just_five_fun likes this.
  10. I actually found your mine/house down in the valley the next morning when I was collecting pumpkins. Sorry if I didn't use any shots with you in it, I'm sure I saw you around a lot during the event.
    jossytheninja likes this.
  11. that's fine I don't mind :p and yeah we bumped into each other when I first started to build it, you walked by :p
  12. Oh yes. It's happening, alright. I'm letting everyone know to prepare for this one 24 hours in advance. Let's just say you should stock up on fire resistance potions. ;)
  13. Oh noes resistance potions? is this going to be in the nether?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. Oh God, nether. I don't do nether D: but I can't miss FNM. I hope you know you're making me cry XD
    ShelLuser and ChickenDice like this.
  15. This will be my first nether FNM...
  16. IF it is in the nether....
  17. This will be my first real nether visit if that's where we're going. o.0
  18. My first fnm was in the nether :') coupla months ago
  19. I will gladly provide a steady supply of fire resistance potions. It's the burning that really gets you in the nether, and the hounds, but they don't destroy all your stuff. Really hoping to be there.
  20. and there's always that one idiot who hits a pigman and gets everyone else killed
    Gawadrolt and YaniiMarie like this.