There is a time and place have joking manner but at that time it wasn't. This 15 tempmute that all up arms about reminds of the story of Icarus and we all know what happened there. If your walk on the line right/wrong your going to get punished time to time.
You're completely ignoring the fact that Cory went above a staff member's direct request to stop and got muted for it. It appears that the joke didn't get him muted, it was the fact that he disobeyed a staff member.
Guys lets keep this going, I'm getting SOOOO many likes from this . In all seriousness, I feel like I've said how I feel and I no longer need to respond. If anyone feels like something I said insulted them or something go ahead and pm me, we can have a chat. So yeah, mman out. P.S. you should all like this post cause I said so
You're completely ignoring that I never mentioned that in my statement. I only said that staff pretty much has the right to not only disallow us to make a joke, but to make it so that we can't say a single thing at all, no matter what it is.
(Cough cough) Riiiggghhtttt... Freedom of speeches much? Yes I know bla bla bla offensive bla bla bla Unless it's offensive to more than one person, shouldn't be a ban... Also, this is why we have mods only mod a server or two (for cover in case someone's gone) Note: Rarely any mods other than Anon and Fendy in SMP9 And often neither are on... Really often.
This is an international server. Sure its based in the US, but we have international servers. US laws do not apply to all players.
Your post was based off of Cory's one-sided story about how he was muted for calling himself annoying. Earlier, you said: You're assuming that him making fun of himself was all that happened, when it clearly isn't. Staff won't make a player to anything unreasonable, like refuse them from making a joke without any other context.
Still... Freedom of speech SHOULD be a thing everywhere I'd hate if I couldn't object freely... (appropriately obviously) Note: I can't play right now... reasons.
Can I coin a term for a thread like this? Radioactive. It keeps going on and on. Just harmful waste. Get your protective suits out and proceed cautiously. Take your iodine pills. It was one persons thoughts and now? Idk. We could have just said, we respect your thoughts, you are right there but in this area you can improve by doing something different. If it was even applicable.
There is a difference between objecting and directly ignoring a staff request. As the rule says, staff won't ask for anything out of line. They are only there to keep the peace. This thread has run it's course though. It's getting to be another downward spiral, so please turn it around again. If you want to post your thoughts and they contain words like 'why are they even a part of staff?' of course people are going to assume you are bashing staff. It may not be your intention, but it's the perception. Thoughts are great. Arguments are not.
Sure it's based off of it, but this case does not apply to what I said in any way. Please do read my post and don't even apply this story to it as I never had mentioned it in my statement
Now that staff, and other players have touched on many topics and many were possibly not "resolved" but talked about. This would be a good time to where we use this now, and in the future to better not only ourselves, but the community, the staff TEAM, and everything surrounding EMC. The Empire is one of the best communities and as a player of 1200+ days on here there has been many up's and downs but when I really look at it in my position of a long standing player the Empire is held up song. I know where will still be lots of discussion after I post this, but I just want to remind the community that no matter what spread positivity; just because a situation is a bit in the gutter we should be spreading happiness not negativity (Of course I'm not trying to say that don't state your thoughts). Just a bit of personal experience I want to say Krysyy is the perfect person to go to when you feel a staff member's actions where unjust as she is the "team leader" in a way always giving them advice, and much more that better their decisions on staff actions. I personally a while back (long time ago) talked to her about a situation of many staff members being inactive, and a frustration of not being able to get help (at that time) because many staff members were inactive for weeks and weeks. Yes, I understand they have lives, and vacations etc. thus is why instead of going big with this topic I went to her. Since I went to her, shared my thoughts, and did not create a scene about it I was very pleased with the outcome. I wish to not argue with anyone, and continue to be on good terms with everyone, but all in all. We are all humans. We all make mistakes. We live AND learn. There will be up's and down; highs and lows. Let's brighten up the thread by showing a little bit of funny staff member goofs.
When I said that, I had my reasons. Earlier you pretty much said staff can bash a post if they don't find it appealing. And it's funny because I never did bash staff. If a staff member finds a post disrespectful, they should still reply to it in a healthy manner.
I never said that they can bash a post. I said that they shouldn't be burned at the stake for showing some emotion in their responses when they are being bashed. They are human and have feelings just like anyone else. As long as there is no bias, i consider that response a healthy manner.
I'd like to point out that according to that moderator, I was muted for insulting someone, not for disobeying her. After the mute she claimed that I could of been talking to someone else on the server.
Even if they were to take emotion, the post should be read before it is posted to make sure that it 1. Does not offend anybody 2. Should make sure that it is necessary And this should not only apply to staff, but to the community as well.