That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That Moment When Krysyy's take over EMC.
    ShelLuser and Nickblockmaster like this.
  2. The moment when someone doesn't want to drop a subject
    SkeleTin007 and MustangLover25 like this.
  3. That Moment When Krysyy's take over EMC.
  4. That moment you spend 45 minutes reading through pages of moments.
    That moment you hit the "1" key to draw your sword to fight a creeper but actually hit "Q" and throw your sword at him which he blows up.
    That moment an iron golem spawns on your res. Go see him, 10695
  5. The moment when someone needs to watch their double posting
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  6. That moment when a 5 inch spider comes into your room for the 2nd time and creeps the hell out of you...
  7. That moment when you find an old image of Foxy (or at the time, clan23) spamming the recently actives... ;)
  8. Tha was a good moment lol
  9. That moment when there are 91 more posts left until the three-hundredth post on here.
  10. Hehehe, no... :p
    ShelLuser and FoxyRavenger like this.
  11. That moment when see SMP8's chat box
    Codygraw likes this.
  12. That moment when I double click and it posts twice.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  13. So I finally made it to the border of the wastelands. Not just that, I also discovered my first desert temple on the Empire:

    That moment when you go in and discover that it was already raided :D
    607 and Codygraw like this.
  14. When ShellyLuser spawns a Marlix and I have no gear and I have to waste my rupees!:

    Sometimes, Shelly can do good and bad:

    So, when you go into the waste with a Shelly, make sure you have gear :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. That moment when you have really bad spelling and you say dnt yoyu daer eta my PUMPKNI PEI
  16. That Moment When...

    you have an odd number of cows, walk through wheating them up, and then realise you have one lonely unrequited cow in love, with no one to love it back... *sob* roll out the grass flavoured ben and jerries!
  17. ... you're writing a post for 20 minutes, go AFK, and your computer restarts for updates...

    and your spacebar issticking.
    607 likes this.
  18. Wat the heck? Is that a barrier? :eek:
    ShelLuser and WayneKramer like this.
  19. Oops *facepalm* didn't read the top of the post Shel. I didn't even know there was a border for the waste.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. Neither did I. Well, I knew there was a "death wall" (Aikar mentioned this a few times) but that's it. I noticed this barrier on another screenshot so then I decided that I had to go out and see for myself. If you check the wasteland map you'll notice a grey border around the whole thing. That's the barrier.

    I haven't tried stepping through because I had stuff on me, that's something I plan to try another time :)
    607 likes this.