The Struggle is Real

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Unoski, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. MasterDude13: Question #5: What is my new username?

  2. Haha I'll try to keep this thread in mind. I feel like I get these a lot. I hope emc will enjoy them when I find the struggles.
  3. Found one! Cant even buy dirt to supply smp8 with. (The struggle is real).
  4. Was happy to finally got one of my prjects done.

    but yeah even 3 days later...

    dont claim res vouchers if you got one.
  5. Hey, at least you only climb one flight of stairs to your room (guessing) >.> I have to climb two =P
  6. What happened? I don't get it. :confused:
    607 likes this.
  7. You can borrow this Ultimamaxx :)
    Ultimamaxx likes this.
  8. I claimed it the message poped up and my res count didint raise, is this normal?
  9. It's supposed to rise. You should contact a staff member about it. :)
  10. #chinfixedit

    tuqueque, 607, Codygraw and 6 others like this.
  11. How on earth did he manage to do that?
    I already thought, Chin and fixed isn't a very good combination ;)
    607 and Patr1cV like this.
  12. But it's under Chin's name now >:eek: that isn't a perfect fix!
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  13. he renamed it at my name after :p
    SteamingFire likes this.
  14. The struggle of getting ninja'd
  15. I just learned that beacons don't need picks. Poor Stone bricks, ashamed once again!

    SkyDragonv8 likes this.
  16. What? I always thought you needed to break beacons with a diamond pickaxe! xD
    tuqueque, FDNY21 and Galantisizer like this.
  17. I'll admit that I used to think this as well... >_<
    607 likes this.
  18. It's what I still think to this day xP
  19. But now you know! :p
  20. ~The more you know
    tuqueque likes this.