The Struggle is Real

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Unoski, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. For accuracy, the signs should've read:

    Fake Service

  2. I am absolutely sure my last vote was more then 5 hours ago.
  3. I don't have an image to show, but I do have words to say.

    I've been waiting a whole week for a graphics designer student to respond for a group meet-up time on EMC.
    To this day, she hasn't appeared at all in the EMC community. I don't want to leave her behind for our special meeting, but I can't define her day of return. So, I've chosen to overcome this endeavor for unification.
    When will this end? Only those educated about this precious lady could know.
  4. Mwahaha, that was built by none other than the wild and mysterious hashhog3000! He is so evil, he even builds free enchanting, then gets Jack to turn move flag off! :eek:
    ChrisFlareon likes this.
  5. WRONG. :p

    Try again lol
    (hint: his res is on smp6 near town spawn xD)
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  6. Well, that part of the residence /was/ built by hashhog3000 (I would know. =P), but the actual residence belongs to JackBiggin.
    607 likes this.
  7. But then... why does Electric_Hamster have sell signs there with Unbreaking III books? O:
  8. Maybe because that's JackBiggin's alternate account? =P I did a little bit of building work on that residence a bit ago.
  9. I still wish move flag was back ;;

    JackBiggin seems swell, so... ;;
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  10. 16 hours later:
    cowland123 and fBuilderS like this.
  11. Who is JackIggin?? :p
  12. Biggin lost his B
  13. Well apparently look who it worked for.

  14. Trying to farm obsidian, and the portal spawning in a protected area. I hit a pigman annoyance when I came through the portal. Then, they were all over me. way to add to the stress, mobs. =P
    tuqueque and haastregt like this.

  15. Alright, this is what a player head looks like. Doesn't show the hat, but not bad.
    But let's see what RainbowChin's PVP head looks like
  16. I can point out so many spelling/grammar errors on EMC :p
    Ultimamaxx and SkyDragonv8 like this.
  17. btw, is a 7DC Auction
    Defne_The_Boss and Ultimamaxx like this.
  18. You should either get into the habit of pressing CTRL+S every once in a while, or use Google's service, which saves automatically and works nearly the same as Excel.
    Ultimamaxx likes this.

  19. When everyone else can spell "sure". :rolleyes: