Your Plans for EMC 1.9?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, May 21, 2016.


Which is Better?

1.9 22 vote(s) 61.1%
1.8 14 vote(s) 38.9%
  1. Well it was better than the other 2 names I came up with, Jack Frost's Frosty Feet of Ice and Icy Socks.
  2. Double that, changing 1.6 into 1.5 for me xD
  3. * fight a dragon on EMC, get a dragon head, get elytra
    * add 1.9 items to my shop
    * perhaps finish the 2nd part of my shop
    Phelps4 and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  4. Find waste end..get for auction..then go to wild end and look for more...kill a a beet...and grow a beard.
    ChickenDice and Faithcaster like this.
  5. How are you going to grow a beard?
  6. By not shaving?...

    That's how I do it when I feel like rocking the teenage bumfluff look.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. I just don't do it cause I don't feel like going through the pains of growing it back that week. (Or laziness... mainly laziness)
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  8. What would I do? Well... Probably the usual things. I might need to get my hands on some of the decorative blocks and maybe some Chorus plants for my res. Other than that, I'm less interested in the Elytra and the shield, although they sound cool and all. Now the problem is how to get to the end...
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  10. Learn to fight mobs again and try to get my wings.
  11. Glued to the computer 16 hrs a day, abandoning all responsibility, hygiene, and nutritional needs for a few weeks I'm sure to grow a beard.
    Seriously tho, I said it for the lols.
  12. Probably play the same exact way. That means my builds will remain unfinished :3
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  13. I'm not trying to force anybody to doing this: only a short FYI.

    "Elytra" is a word in dictionaries. It's plural for "Elytron".

    Real-life beetles have a pair of elytra over their actual wings for protection.
    ShelLuser, 607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  14. :rolleyes: I'm not perfect at english. :p
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  15. I saw that somewhere and knew elytras wasn't the right way to say it but I couldn't remember :p
  16. jump off a cliff
  17. What, no Bootsy McBootsface? >:o
    Kytula and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  18. Well in Minecraft anything is possible... If you have feather falling.
  19. Onto hay bales? I believe those cushion the fall in 1.9 ;)
    Kytula likes this.
  20. They do :)

    Honestly think that you could fall from build limit using voters boots and live now.