Your Plans for EMC 1.9?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, May 21, 2016.


Which is Better?

1.9 22 vote(s) 61.1%
1.8 14 vote(s) 38.9%
  1. yea that's what i meant XD
  2. Ah, so it's Greek. Thanks for telling, I thought it was Latin and didn't get it.
  3. collect as many mending books i can find and make my own OP god armor, also want 2 have mending on my sword, shield and pickaxe ^.^

    that should be sooo epic when u like mining. everytime u find good ore u also repair ur tools!
    607 and Kytula like this.
  4. Well I thought I would post what the poll is at currently.
    64.7% of you think 1.9 is better,
    35.3% of you think 1.8 is better.
    ShelLuser and Kytula like this.