
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. = Presidential Announcement =
    It is with great sadness, that i must announce that the Wremian Empire will be dissolved. I have taken this decision very seriously, and it is with great sadness that i must take this decision. Realistically, one person cant run an empire by them self, and the city numbers are dwindling, so i have taken the decision to create a new state called Glendoria. I realise some of the players will be disappointed, and maybe even angry, but i hope the players who have graced the old Wremian Empire, by living there, will join me in the new Kingdom of Glendoria

    Glendoria is a constitutional Monarchy, governed state, occupying the old city of Wrem, and the town of Oceania. I will rule the land as King, and i will extend the same rules and laws as the old empire, however i am very different from dean. He left the empire to me, in the faith i will make it grow and prosper, however I have his full blessing on this matter, and he has hinted that he may make a return around christmas for a short period
  2. I don't think that is what 72volt had in mind for the future of wrem....
  3. dis gon b good
    Rainier6 likes this.
  4. I really don't like this idea, simply because its a monarchy, which means that the king is in power until he dies, or in this case, leaves EMC. This takes away lots of democratic rights, such as voting, as now everyone will be appointed, not voted in. Due to this, I will not be taking part, and will be moving most of my stuff to Estona.
    hashhog3000 and mba2012 like this.
  5. Well their goes the neighborhood.
  6. Or you could move it to Volt, it's more spacious and closer.
  7. what neighbourhood?
  8. I'll end up in both. I said Estona as that's where I'm most set up.
    hashhog3000 and wildbeast23 like this.
  9. Town is where it's at! :D :p
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  10. uh.. did you just.. I seriously think he did :confused:
    cddm95ace likes this.
  11. Note: the government of Volt doesn't condone this message.
  12. Well guys to be honest with dean gone, i was the only founding player of wrem left in the city, who plays actively, and one person could not run an empire !! The kingdom is much smaller and manageable, and to address other problems, i will choose a successor, worthy of ruling the kingdom if and when i decide to leave. The rules will be the exact same, however i am not as strict as dean, with building codes and stuff, as mine craft is a game after all, so we should have fun. Also i have taken the decision to change the flag. The current one resembles the Iranian flag, soooo .... Il be basing mine on a more democratic country, i will say though the city will remain the same as ever, and i hope the players who have spent time and live in wrem, support my decision
  13. From Flag of Iran wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Iran

    The Colors

    Each of the Colors has multiple Meanings:

    In the Iranian Culture it symbolizes Growth, Happiness, Unity, Nature, Vitality, and the Persian Language. Historically Green and White in a triangular form used to be the Flag of the Persians (Pars).

    Stands for Peace as in many other Cultures. In the Iranian Culture it also symbolizes Chasteness, Equality, Freedom, Honesty, and Power.

    Stands for Martyrdom. In the Iranian Culture it symbolizes Bravery, Fire, Life, Love, Warmth, and Sophistication. Historically Red and White in a triangular form used to be the Flag of Medes (Mada).

    But muh flag
  14. DEAN!!!! i made a memorial for u
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  15. Cool! So how is the frontier getting on?
  16. The Nation of Volt now has 4 states. Inzino, New Holland, Volt and an unnamed state. I'm also planning a memorial. What should I build?
  17. Good stuff, much progress? I don't know, I'm not a man for memorials so don't ask me haha!
  18. You should be more worried about muh country
  19. I've decided to name Volt's longest bridge in your honnor. It shall be called Catterdon Bridge and span the gulf that I also have to name. It will go from Volt to New Holland.
    Dean_Catterson and hollyhill105 like this.
  20. ok, guys im gonna create a new thread, seeing that the Wremian Empire doesn't exist any more, so for matters regarding my new country, and the CITY of Wrem .... please veiw and post on there thanks