
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. ok guys here is the deal I going to be gone for 5 weeks and Elsrose is going to be on hold see you guys later.
  2. ok so i have a seven person crew that is helping me build the city....
    PLEASE suggest city names as i am having a hard time coming up with one:/
  3. Aaron?
  4. Ok i figured out how to make a new thread.

    Anyone interested in helping with the new city go to this thread...

    I really need the help...I already have about five other people helping and need some more builders to help make this city a wonderful place. Come join Desterra today!!

  5. Ok, it's ok to make two posts in a row. Three is pushing it, but there is an edit button there, if you really want to add to your post. It's just annoying, and although it may not be intentional, is very spam like.
  6. Im sorry mba...I didnt realize i had that many
    Also I decided that since everyone in wrem talks about the failures of the NR relating to what we shouldn't do now I should learn about what happened in the NR (since I wasn't a resident then) so I'm reading the new republic forum. On page 50 of the 140 page novel
    Edit: after now getting to page 80 of the new republic forum thread I have figured something out...we really need more people involved in wrem. We need more active people posting on the forums. I really wish I was in the NR in early June!
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  7. I'd like to show the new plans for rails in the region:

    East Frontier Future Rail.png

    There are obvious benefits to better infrastructure that don't need further explaining.
    These of course are just proposals, but I will soon enter talks with the leaders of Volt, Oceania and Pazzo about the rails.

    What do you all think?
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. Love the look of that!

    It's unlikely the link to pazzo will be wanted. Anyways, I'll get to work designing how the system will work for you. Fully automated etc.
  9. We need a link to pazzo MBA. Iron farm and it's the quickest way to get to estona thru the nether rail from pazzo.
  10. It might be useful, but it's unlikely to happen. Pazzo and the former NR had a fair bit of dispute, and Pazzo is fairly private and they don't want people they haven't accepted, coming through their town.
  11. We don't need a line, it would be nice though. We have an existing direct route and Pazzo is in walking distance. (Isn't everything in walking distance?)
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Whenever I try to go to pazzo by foot I almost die
  13. Take a boat.
  14. i will help with the rail to NH. I have supplies already in place there and we started digging a station already.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  15. Wrem in the post-NR era is doing very well, at least in my opinion, but it seems Wrem lacks one thing, public farms, so I suggest that maybe the Wrem government could set aside a few smaller plots to be used to make wheat/melon farms, so those who might not have a great farm, due to living in the city, will be able to have better access to food.
    mba2012 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  16. In the past, we were reluctant to do something like this because it would harm businesses.

    Now though, things have to change.

    We aren't getting as many people out as we would like to, so we need to make some improvements, so I think we will act upon your suggestion legit!
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. You want to make these farms effective, but not too effective to the point where they would compete with bakeries. These farms would be and only be wheat or melon, where are bakeries could sell bread, melon, meat, cake, and stew, so these farms would be good for short time feedings, they wouldn't be as good as bakeries where you could buy stacks upon stacks of food.
  18. They really won't compete with business that much if they aren't made that large or efficient.
    mba2012 and Dean_Catterson like this.