
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Suppose the farms would need to be rather small as well for this to be the case, generally we need it to be more convenient to buy food from the shop than to take some from other peoples farms. Think we could do this by providing just a small melon patch or something
  2. that works, we also need more food shops people, MORE SHOPS :p
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  3. With this discussion I can finally publicly reveal that I am building a giant carrot in downtown Wrem.

    We will be selling, prepare yourselves for this: Carrots.

    Carrots and Carrot accessories
    mba2012 and wildbeast23 like this.
  4. Almost had me there, I thought you would be selling porkchops.
    mba2012 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  5. VOLT, ESTONA, WREM......................a new.....................unified............EMPIRE!!

    just a proposal:D
    smile3 likes this.
  6. Give us a few days...
    smile3 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  7. ?
  8. I would be happy to truck food from estona to wrem if you like.
  9. open a shop in Wrem bro :)
  10. I reckon shipping/transport was really overlooked in the NR and early Wrem, would be great if people opened businesses of that sort as well as traditional shops!
    L0tad and mba2012 like this.
  11. union mining co ships
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  12. im not exactly sure how a store works outside of town
  13. My stores work by customers leaving a sign with their order placed on it, then I gather the materials, contact the buyer and figure out a way of getting the product to them
  14. Hello everyone. I will not be able to get computer for a couple weeks as I am having problems with my computer. I will be on the forums still and I can chat thru minechat. Keep me updated please:)
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  15. Hi everyone. I have an announcement.

    I have decided to quit EMC and Minecraft.

    I just can't balance everything in my life right now, with an intensive workload scheduled for the foreseeable future. For me, Minecraft has lost its spark. I just don't enjoy is as much as I once did, so I have to call it a day.

    In previous years, taking a break has always resulted in me eventually drifting back to minecraft, but I wouldn't bet on this happening again.Anyway, I feel like I've taken my outpost, Wrem, as far as I can take it.

    EMC has been kind to me, and is my favorite server. I've had many memories and met some great people. The past 8 months have been a blast! I'm grateful to the moderators who forgave me for my past and allowed me to return after a year long absence. During my second spell on EMC I've spent most of my time in the wild. I'm proud to say I founded Wrem and I'm happy to have been a part of the Frontier experience! I wish the best for my fellow players, the majority of whom have been sound as.

    Minecraft for me seems a bit stale right now, which is a shame because I had been looking forward to the 1.7 release but now have no motivation to see it on EMC. 8 months of politics on here has taken its toll, but I love it. Thankfully I bear no grudges to anyone on here despite often being seen as provocative. I can call everyone I was involved with on here a friend, and once again wish the best for all of you in the future.

    *insert ramblings*

    If this is not to be my legacy then let Wrem be. I have nominated hollyhill105 as my successor and have complete faith he will carry Wrem further than I was able to. No doubt others in the wild will also continue their business, and I hope they can restore the wild to better days. I will list my final requests which will serve as my only influence on the wild after this point.

    i) Keep Wrem (and all of the wild) free and fun to play in.
    ii) Ensure all players are respected.
    iii) Do not deface peoples properties or change them at all without asking and obtaining their permission.
    iv) Make sure everyone in power is working for the benefit of the community.
    v) Keep expanding and stay ambitious.
    vi) Attempt to reunify the wild community.
    vii) Keep language respectful.
    viii) Use the forums to attract new players and update everyone of progress.
    ix) Contact mods if any trouble stirs up.
    x) Stay Classy.

    Ill be on a bit in the next day or so to sort out some final things like locked chests, but that's it.

    smile3, hollyhill105, mba2012 and 2 others like this.
  16. :(
    By dean.
    We had our rough times but I counted us as friends.
    Hope you drift back eventually.
  17. Sad to see you go dean. :(

    But on a good note, I will construct a monument for our great founder! And I will work as hard as I can to put through the new political system for Wrem.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  18. WOW .... ok, i am honoured to be deans choice for the new President and yet sad to see him go. This is my first public announcement as the President of the Wremian Empire and i want to inform all Wremian Resident that, whilst i will be keeping the majority of the old policies which has worked so well in the past, i will be creating new laws which may change the Empire for the Good !! I will keep you all posted
  19. Ok, my first official act as the President of the Wremian Empire is tackling the Issue of new Holland. Its not a serious matter, but I love it down there and the town is fully set up, as a colony and a fully working state of the Wremian Empire.

    Now, i am proposing to let one of my trusted players within the Empire, to take leadership of the State. The State of New Holland was left under The Wremian Empires control, therefore i will also keep the City and its territories as part of the Wremian Empire. I am offering one of my players the chance to mentor the town and resume leadership as a representative of the state. They will resume power of the State under me (of course) but i will try and remain at a distance and step in and resume control if needed. I will only assign leadership of the state to a player who i can trust, and who i know has the acceptable qualities and skills to lead a State, and hopefully Expand Our Glorious Empire. If any player, would like to nominate themselves, please PM me, or talk to me online, many thanks
  20. The new Kitchen Cabinet