Who is RougeLoupes?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by FenrisTheWulf, Jul 20, 2016.


Do you accpet people no matter what if they're scared of who you think they really are?

Yes! 20 vote(s) 90.9%
No 1 vote(s) 4.5%
Maybe... Only if they are a good friend of mine. 1 vote(s) 4.5%
  1. I don't know you, I think. You seem interesting, though.
  2. Haha. thanks XD
  3. Welcome to the Empire minecraft :) I know I "might" be a little late,, but who cares :) If you'ave got amy questions, feel free to ask.

    and, this reminds me about something funny, in the "goold old days" (oh, no, Jelle's talking about the "good old days" again)(I'm talking about the '60s and begin '70s) there where way less things people wantent to know about you, the only thing people wanted to know by a "blind date" was "par example" your constellation. Now they want to know your length, your year of birth, colour of hair, what the gender was of any girl/boyfriends before (someone asked me ones, but, some people also think I'm gay, annyways) I think that that is one of the things that defenetly was better those days, like the music, and, annyways, I'm talking to much, am I not?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. Constellation is pretty meaningless too, though :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. it isn't, some go good with eachother and some go bad, that's the best way to see if someone you love will love you aswell, and, if it will last longer than one month *uh uhm Jelle*
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. I disagree. I won't try to find examples that disprove your idea or anything because you could just as well find examples that support your idea. But yeah... this doesn't seem logical to me.
    ChickenDice and ShelLuser like this.
  7. jups follow your hard :)

    (I'm joinking, if you didn't understand, fellow autist ;)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. You're joinking? xD Where is this going? :rolleyes:
    ChickenDice, ShelLuser and Jelle68 like this.
  9. Naar de sterren, en daar voorbij :cool:

    (to the stars and further, for those who aren't Dutch :) )
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  10. "To infinity and beyond", I'd say ;)
    ShelLuser and Jelle68 like this.
  11. but, but, that's correct Englisch ;)
    TomvanWijnen, ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  12. And a belated welcome to the Empire from me as well. Guess I somewhat overlooked this a little bit.

    Quite frankly I get the impression that the Empire is one of the few gaming communities which really doesn't care all that much about this in the overall. I think it's not so much that you're a girl, but the fact that you pretended not to which might have startled some players. But I wouldn't worry because quite frankly I'm sure most will have forgotten all about that in a few weeks time and then it's quite likely that everything is more or less back to normal.

    Aannyway, I hope you're going to have a great time on the Empire (or, considering that you've already been here for a while.. that you'll continue to have a great time!).

    Nope, this could have been in the stars as well so there's your proof that there is definitely some meaning to this :)

    Or to "the stars and beyond...", I suppose. If we can't even reach them to find out, then one could wonder if there's any chance to make sure that they present the right meaning :p

    Eeeiither way... Yeah Rouge, welcome to a good dose of Empire sillyness right here :p
    Jelle68 and 607 like this.
  13. I've been on EMC for nearly 1000 days XD I guess I just REALLY didn't want to talk about this until now.
  14. Heya RougeLoupes! :) See ya on 1 hehe