Which smp needs more active players?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Nuttyknight42, Oct 19, 2020.


Which smp do you inhabit the most?

Smp1 10 vote(s) 16.7%
Smp2 14 vote(s) 23.3%
Smp3 7 vote(s) 11.7%
Smp4 6 vote(s) 10.0%
Smp5 11 vote(s) 18.3%
Smp6 6 vote(s) 10.0%
Smp7 20 vote(s) 33.3%
Smp8 18 vote(s) 30.0%
Smp9 8 vote(s) 13.3%
Utopia 11 vote(s) 18.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. What smp needs more active players on it?

    Leave which smp you inhabit the most?

    Leave a comment in the forums if it's a tie?
    ConductorConduit likes this.
  2. Hm! I wonder if this is still an issue, now that we have global chat? :)
  3. All of them, really
    Burki, FadedMartian, Ochres and 8 others like this.
  4. SMP2 is winning! :D
    (A bit weird that the poll question contradicts the question in title but I digress)
  5. SMP2 and SMP8 are tied now. :D
  6. Smp6 has been abused since the pvp moved to games so they need a boost in players

    Smp7 because pixel art

    Wait has it?
    sonicol likes this.
  7. Go SMP8! :)
    BlackKnightess likes this.
  8. I did the V O T I N G thing
    sonicol likes this.
  9. The reason I ask which smp people inhabit the most is because I'm thinking about starting another Outpost on the less active servers!
    607 and sonicol like this.
  10. 7 is currently winning! WOO!

    I usually go to more empty smps for end hunting and such. (just a fun sonic fact)
  11. Dang, 7 and 8 are popular! Maybe I'll need a res on one when I add a voucher to my alt...
    ConductorConduit and sonicol like this.
  12. With the ability to skip the night with sleeping, ya'll can stay off 6. Im good with it being deserted!
    607, ConductorConduit and sonicol like this.
  13. Seems like EMC is back where it was in late 2018. SMP6 being empty, yet again. I cannot speak for the other servers since I've spent most of my time in SMP6, so I know how it behaves.

    Regardless, I agree with Rhy, all of them need some more love.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  14. No.
  15. SMP3 is where I live and there are usually 4 - 6 players on it. I spend 90% of my time in the wasteland so even if there were more players I wouldn't notice. The global chat is what keeps me sane, and at times gets me killed while reading it, while out there.
    UltiPig and sonicol like this.
  17. Yes. :)
    We can be the best even if few are there!
  18. I think smp1 smp3 smp5 and smp6 are becoming a bit quiet but we can add more love to them at any time. #GoSmp7AndSmp2
    sonicol and Milosaurus_Rex like this.