What IS that?

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Gawadrolt, May 13, 2015.

  1. I just need a pattern for all the walls and this puppy should be finished, will work on it tomorrow.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  2. Ok, I tried to take as few screenshots as possible... well lets just say i have a link because I am not going to post all of them i took in this thread XD


    However back to the original message of the title. Above the spawner we have.... well... WHAT IS THAT?

    The bottom of the Spawner portion:

    and the top of the... what is that again?

    We have had a lot of fun building the spawner. Wyntyr made a home and lava collection area. I made a slime elevator... which apparently kills you more often than you make it to the top... Budha made a workers hut. Wyntyr finally sorted the something like 25dcs of random stuff we had laying around and budha and I have started working on... what is that?

    It is going to be something... something fun.
    WyntyrReavyn likes this.
  3. got a nice shot of my front doors there. and the coridor leading to my house :D
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  4. Made sure to get the dirt in there, motivation lol :-P

    Didn't realize how dark the picture to the bottom of the spawner was going to come out
  5. yeah but you can still tell what it is tho
  6. when i responded i was on my phone. On my phone you can't see it at all XD on the computer you can see it ok.
  7. That's a dog isn't it?
  8. Its a.. a what? A dog.... uh... how did you see... uh... sure. :p

    In all seriousness, I would love to see the dog you speak of. Can you better explain what you are talking about?
  9. Well isn't everything a dog? Maybe i'm wrong. :)
  10. I got the same idea, making like a floating island but instead of land I'm going for a cloud. I got the idea based on Cloud Storage.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  11. I didn't until you began to give some details on it, and I figured out it was a guardian farm :p

    P.S I have played absolutely none of the 1.8 update :p
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  12. Everyone should make a dog like he did! ;)
  13. Our farm has three... maybe four slime chunks. I did some math earlier and this seems to be above average? The average farm would have a little less(this is an average) of 2 chunks. I cant decide if this is a blessing or a curse. Cumulative we have looted over 20 slime heads and about 3-4 stacks worth of slime BLOCKS. both of those are conservative estimates. Wyntyr I think has difficulty on 7, I had it on six and put it to 5 after being ambushed and killed by large slimes one too many times.(probably why we got so many heads)
  14. gawa i have 4 stacks of slime blocks alone. so i think your figures might be a bit off there =p
  15. That thing in the background...
    Is a nether portal, gawadrolt >.>
  16. Updates, woot! I have been working SOOOOO much on this. Recently I have been trying to stay away to save my sanity. The last time I put any real effort into it was about a week ago. Most of the people that play with me or on SMP7 know that I have not even been to town for the past two months save for this past week. I still have TONS left to do and haven't even finished the centerpiece. Well here is the updates:

    July 4th livemap screenshot I wish I would have taken more of the livemap screenshots as I was getting this together but what can you do? Timetravel? yeah not yet.

    July 26th livemap screenshot. Well this is where it stands now and where it has been for about a week.

    and then this time I actually switched the map into 3d

    Now for in person screenshots! This is the only place that the water will actually be visible from outside. The rest of the water will be hidden in a way but will still play a huge role in this build.

    This too will be "hidden." I have taken to calling it the dark forest. It will be redstoned wired to keep the forest lit up while using the farm but a trip wire will turn all the lights off when you enter through the river. It will also be visible during the minerail "tour" ride that will go around the... well... what is it?

    At the very center of whatever this thing is the three rivers meet and there is a somewhat large lake, probably more impressively deep than it is around. I have considered making all the water one layer higher which will make the rivers deeper, which imo is needed. It will also expand the rivers in width which I may or may not want or have to mediate.

    Over to the side of all of this is Budha's newest creations. He has been hard at work and I am standing on a... as of yet unfinished ship that will really be the centerpiece of the fleet. This here is really pretty too though.

    Wyntyr did this a long time ago, maybe a month and a half ago but it wasn't revealed here yet. This aesthetic upgrade to the farm made it feel much less "utilitarian." I still have a very grand plan for the rest of the farm and upgrading the look of the farm but this here, well it made it so much more enjoyable!

    When we first finished the farm I started attempting to make a slime block elevator that propelled you to the top. Well apparently there is some issues with those. It is a good thing that EMC doesn't keep very public records of your death count because that elevator killed me more times than I like to admit. I did however get an elevator up.

    I LOVE IT!! from bedrock to y-100 in 7 seconds and back to bedrock in 4 seconds.

    So, this has been what I have been working on for so long. Budha just started the ships and wyntyr took off to build her own little "haven" heh, a WHILE back. I have also let the cat out of the bag that I intend to cover the bottom of this ocean with stained glass designs... then... dig out everything underneath of the ocean so the stained glass isn't just the floor of the ocean but also the roof of an underwater city that will reach down to bedrock around the farm. With stained glass sides on the guard farm and a bit of wool guardian pixel art on the sides. This build is something that is going to keep me occupied for a LONG time. It's definitely something I will take breaks from and definitely be purchasing a lot of supplies for. Donations are always helpful though as the less time I'm collecting resources, the more time I get to spend building.

    Oh... and this past week? I have spent most of it moving about 20 dcs of guardian farm drops to town. I might be contracting people to put together prismarine/prismarine bricks soon or may just end up selling it as shards. If you haven't put together some 7-8dcs of prismarine shards before... its a bit tedious.
    Bayymaxx, Jakres, khixan and 4 others like this.
  17. This is going to be a short update as I need to be getting to bed. I have spent a lot of time in the past couple of days and things are starting to come together to form part of the picture in my head.

    Pab10S, JakTails and UltiPig like this.
  18. So... you know how this thread started off with a guard farm? The first few weeks we were constantly running it. We pretty much took the sea lanterns and left everything else. We did cook a bunch of fish and slapped each other with them gleefully a bit as well. Well, the farm has gone unmanned for the most part since the first few weeks we got it up and running. This past week I have been at it constantly. If I wasn't at it I was moving drops from the farm to town. In total I moved about 80dcs worth of stuff. This is a logistical nightmare and has taken countless hours over the course of the past week. Well, here it all is: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/auction-73dcs-guardian-galore.55319/

  19. I was interested in joining an outpost community a while back, want to say it was 2 months. It was very interesting but there was one problem that I didn't feel like dealing with. It was a 25 minutes one way trip to the outpost. ouch...

    Here at this established outpost that we are building these things on we have set up an extremely efficient nether hub and rail line.

    The minerail takes advantage of the "diagonal" mechanics of minerails. If you were not aware minerail's travel at 8m/s or 8 blocks a second. If you make the rail diagonal though it increases to 12m/s that is a whopping 50% increase to speed which is quite noticeable.

    Making your minerail in the nether also offers you the opportunity to take advantage of the 1:8 ratio of overworld coords versus nether world coords. Basically for every one block you walk in the nether, you have travelled 8 blocks in the overworld.

    Combined that means that our minerail travels at 12x8 blocks a second or 96 blocks a second in overworld coordinates. Now the minerail isn't perfectly diagonal, it has some straight sections and the powered rails obviously have to be straight so I would have to venture and guess that around 30 percent, which is a very liberal guess is straight or does not travel directly to the destination.

    3 minutes and 10 seconds from the time you spawn into the wilderness to make it to our main nether hub which is on the FAR side of our outpost. Only 2 minutes and 45 seconds to get to the first nether portal that is within our outpost borders, although that portal is not used much. The minerail ride itself only takes 2 minutes and 16 seconds from the spawn side of the rail to the far side of the outpost. Only 1 minute and 50 seconds on the rail is necessary to make it to our first nether portal. As I said, pretty efficient.

    Freight loader!

    I ran into the problem of transporting materials to and from the outpost as being something that was by no means a fun venture. To aid in this I built a "freight loader" which allows me to launch 11 minecart chests at one time and launch myself right behind them so that I can with my own inventory and ender chest transport over 7 and a half dcs of things at one time! Unfortunately I have taken time to try and hide the minerail at the the spawn side so that we don't have easy access to griefers and making the launch station from spawn would significantly increase the amount of space taken up in the nether there and make it easier to find so this launcher only sends things from the outpost back to spawn. Mostly, guardian farm drops.
  20. Besides myself and the occasional visit from someone in the "clique" if you will(budha, wyntyr, pikminnate, skittishtitan, jesuspower2 or ori) our build has had some new faces recently.

    Ana_banana10 has come out to build a village in front of what will be the mountain, near the stone overhang shown in one of the previous pictures. I will get pictures up later(its late time for bed like 2 hours ago)

    Jossytheninja I met in the waste while taking out ilovecruising on a mining adventure. Jossy had been living in the waste for a while. Something wyntyr and I were both doing for a few weeks... relatively close to each other actually, when we first started playing. I offered her a well paying job doing pretty much what she was doing except using God picks and haste/speed2 beacons and she was more than happy to come help out dig out under the ocean which leads me to the last person.

    xharo_der designed the roof/ceiling of the future underground "modernish maybe" city that will be surrounding the guard farm... well not exactly underground but under water. The roof/ceiling will be a modified version of a stained glass design he submitted to win a competition that I held... that had a horrible turn out lol(mostly because of my haste and lack of patience combined with my diametric and spurious personality). He has been hanging out, attending the farm and making sure that the freight line gets used thoroughly.

    All this help has gotten the project coming along much faster than when I was working on it just by myself. Some of the detail is being added by ana_banana10 instead of just the infrastructure so it's actually starting to look like something.

    Jossy has SERIOUSLY decreased the load on me when it comes to that infrastructure. Not only that but she has been great at maintaining the tools and keeping everything tidy. I was so impressed that I gave her a gold voucher for her help. Thank you very much jossy! She even went out with me the other day on one of my "new player waste mining trips" with pokemonstar555.

    Edit! posted pictures to go along with the contributions of the new souls at the project site.