Being called a bronie, I'm not even one. So why would people call me that? Being scrawny and pale in real life. Being yelled at for being annoying. People actually yell at me to shut up.
Well, I'm sick of the US government. Also, that stupid teenager skin. And finally, My Little Pony. ( Hate me if you want to about this, but they're my opinions and I have the right to voice them.
It probably has something to do with you using (or wanting to use) the Mine little pony mod. (Looking at that thread again, awh yeah I'm spitfire!) I'm sick of people making critical decisions in life off another's initiative. Your family and peers don't know everything, after all.
I dislike people who say that they want my scary/creepy/weird signature/profile picture changed. *Cough*
I'm sick of not knowing what to go back to school to become. I was always asked what I wanted to be and then when I said it I was told "You can't be a _______ because ______". I remember as a kid I was always changing my mind thanks to my mom. Teacher, Cop, I forget what all, at one point I even thought about a Phlebotomist but I freaked out at the thought of sticking needles in other people/giving injections and stuff that goes wrong etc. Plus all the memorizing. At one point it was History teacher and then I had a History teacher that failed most of the class on our grammar, sentence structure and punctuation. My aunt says I don't need to be a teacher because I can't stand kids when it's actually I can't stand HER kids. I've even had people tell me I'd rather be a Social Worker, but then I think on it and I don't know if I honestly could be "The person who takes kids away" as they're always labeled. I thought about something to do with Art but "Art gets you nowhere." :/
If you're called those names because you're actually smart, you won't regret it in the future. Just find some good friends and you'll make it through high school. All I can say is to respect your parents and their advice. They don't know everything, but generally, they're not plotting against you. As for peers... peers can be stupid sometimes. Be wise and go with your conscience, not always your "heart". As for me... I'm not really sick of anything at the moment. The world has plenty of problems, some of which I feel a responsibility to help fix. But I definitely have more to be thankful for than to be sick of. I've learned that your quality of life is almost entirely based on your attitude. It's trickier if you have emotional problems, but those problems can just become goals for you to reach if you let them. If you want others to love you, learn to love others. And if you don't know how to love others, learn to love yourself. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Use that time and effort to better the situation or work on something else that gives you satisfaction. I'm not trying to tell anyone to stop complaining, I just want to give the best advice I can. I know having good friends around can seriously help a person's emotions. I've never been very good with social interactions, but if you just be honest and kind there's bound to be someone who enjoys your company. Peace.
I'm pretty sure the Secretly We Are Gay thing was a tool used to make fun of people claiming to have swag. 'swagger' was a term invented by William Shakespeare, used in the same way as today.
I'm sick of my school having constant catfights. I'm sick of the people in my town who approach and try to force me to try drugs. For christ's sake i'm 12. I'm sick of my friends trying to get me to try alcohol. Yes, I drink alcohol every now and then, but it's a tiny bit. Not a full bottle like they want me to try.
RELEVANT: Somebody in my class (one of the people who bully me) keeps saying Slenderman is following them >.>
There was a guy i kind of knew through a friend a while back. Kept saying he would see Slenderman. Said he wasn't scary after a while. My friend showed up in a suit with a white mask. The other guy never said anything about Slenderman again...... It was REALLY funny though XD