User Names

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gamezila584, Apr 8, 2013.


Cheese or no Cheese.....

Cheese 50 vote(s) 83.3%
No Cheese 10 vote(s) 16.7%
  1. Well...
    The 'Scar' comes from when I was smart enough to throw a knife around the cut half my face :D (gimme a break I was 3)
    And everyone loves ninjas :)
  2. My IGN is Alyattayla the story is my real name is Tayla, so basically my name is taylatayla but the first tayla is backwards. Like a mirror in between Alyat|tayla
    penfoldex, Lasluin and jrm531 like this.
  3. A show I used to love, I retired the back numbers 348 2 years ago from a different game, dropped the number by 1 to 347. There is a code I set up with these certain set of numbers and only those who have known me since alpha 1.2 would know xD. This is also my user for many other things now except for Skype which uses code# 350 , a few passwords I used, and then there is my alt's username which has been my xbox live name for ages now. I'm beginning to ramble on now, probably because I'm sleepy.

    Edit: my kik uses the 347 prefix with a different name. These numbers are quite helpful.
  4. Um...well...

    I don't even know why I picked the name SoulPunisher. It's an alt. name for The Stardust Breaker in Dragon Ball Z, which I was obsessed with from the ages 5-11.

    If I ever get an alt. account, I don't even know what i'd call it. Probably Wuxn (Soul in Greek but without greek characters :p) or Aaluavopa (I don't even know where this comes from)...
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. I love transformers, and on transformers 2 the username of the guy is ROBO WARRIOR
    I didn't like the warrior bit much because it sounded nooby, so I did RoBoT Chicken and 66 is just the 2 best numbers that llook good next to each other, lots of history behind it :)
  6. Ninja Reffering to the Ninja and Attila being my IRL Name.
    penfoldex, Lasluin and mba2012 like this.
  7. I'm not going to post the meaning behind my name... it is so sad and nooby :p

    You're not allowed to tell :p
  8. Meh that's not the full story, there is something longer but I don't feel like posting the rest.
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. Melbourne Australia 2012? :p
  10. Nope, much, MUCH worse than that :p
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  11. I do some web design as you may have noticed from my video's, as the www was named after a spiders web because it reaches out in all directions and is all connected I thought about what the spiders web is made from, "Silken Thread" and there are spiders in the game so hence I chose Silken_thread.

    Notch was then kind enough to name a really cool pickaxe after me the "Silk Touch" which was of course very kind of him :p
  12. I wish I could say. But MBA would kill me xD
    mba2012 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  13. Oh boy would I kill you, your skype would also die... :p
    jacob5089 and NINJATTILA like this.
  14. Post it now or else I shane you.

    Don't know what that means? Watch this:
  15. Was my friends account, I bought it off of him.

    (Yeah, and you were expecting some cool story about how I like capitals, underscores, and 4's.)
  16. M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  17. In the town where I grew up, the public transport company had the whole tram and bus scheduling on a Spectrum 64K :)
    Now talk about Digital vs HP vs Sun workstations and Mac vs PC ;) :D
  18. My brother was the first of us two to get an account in something, which was many years ago for club penguin. For whatever reason, he picked "Qwertyzzz18", and I decided I liked that username, but I obviously had to change it around a bit. So I took out the z's, and added the age I was at the time; 9, therefore leaving you with "Qwerty189". I discovered that it has never been used for many different account-needing things, so it has been my username for everything ever since then.
  19. My mun's E-Mail was queenbee, so I made mine princebee. That expanded to my usernname for everything.
    Lasluin likes this.