Unofficial 1.8 Thread V2 |1.8 Sponges Confirmed?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Unoski, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. Huh?
  2. my original post stated that they could POTENTIALLY mess up afking at ender farms. you countered that with well you can build complicated things to prevent that. which would in turn mess up normal afking at an already present afk farm. thus you answered your own question. this is called a socratic circle of logic
  3. Erz um ok thanks?
  4. don't mention this to Aikar...
  5. Here is something you can do in 1.8

    /title <player> title|subtitle <raw json title> OR /title <player> times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut>

    Although this is technically already a thing.
  6. Endermites... The end just got even better!

  7. Possible 1.8?
  8. Still sounds very usefull. not tried it. hmm need todo that in creative.
    That way you can make long tracks without the worry of gold and redstone.
    I think its also more easy to push more carts ? its good for a first outpost setup i think.

    But need to try it.
  9. they are immeasurably slow voxel, and take up charcoal
  10. mba2012 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  11. Bunniess or No Bunnies better to approch them with something sharp. until you know where the come from.
  12. Where did you find that?
    Edit: Ah. Instagram, right?
  13. Jeb's instagram
  14. Hippity Hoppity, 1.8 is on its way.
  15. Oh, Oh. and there's so many black left in wilderness on places you dont want it.
  16. some kinda of underwater temple?
  17. Yes, I think so. I hope it gets some special loot!
  18. Welcome back, Sponge!
    hashhog3000, 607 and slash14459 like this.
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