Unofficial 1.8 Thread V2 |1.8 Sponges Confirmed?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Unoski, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. Hahaha, great xD
  2. As I finally update this, I leave you with what you will see at the end of the Minecraft World.
    OrangeDuck607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  3. 'Murikan Bump
  4. The custom terrain generation looks so amazing, cool and awesome! :D
  5. Hopefully EMC will be using World Borders.
    OrangeDuck607 likes this.
  6. I watched a video, and minecarts go crazy fast. Nether rails will be much faster now
  7. Oh, that helps. I was making an adventure map using 1.7 and was afraid it would break in 1.8
    Do you have any idea why they changed it back though?
  8. While I update this, enjoy this gif made by quiqksilver on reddit :)
  9. Does that work in real minecraft
    Looks cool
  10. Newest snapshot.
  11. So working planes will become a thing now? YESSSSS!
  12. To an extent, yes.
    OrangeDuck607 likes this.
  13. Whilst I update, I leave you this.
  14. Steve, I don't think we're in Minecraft anymore.
  15. I think they have to die to spawn endermites and I don't know how that could really miss up afking at ender farms
  16. some endermen die when they land at ender farms this will spawn endermites and kill you while you stand there not at the keyboard
  17. There are many easy ways to fix that makers of the farm can make a afk room to block endermites from coming into put put a border of lava outside where they drop and block the 2nd block from making players go in.
  18. shall we Socratic circle again?
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