Unable to play 1.17 on Windows

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by KaliaLlama, Jun 10, 2021.

  1. Do you still have what's now your old computer? Someone made a Fabric mod that supposedly lowers the restriction on the OpenGL version, but I'm kind of skeptical of its ability, and I can't test it myself. :p
    If you'd like to test it, you can download it here.
    Hairy_Larry and 607 like this.
  2. I do have it but not hooked up to anything at the moment. Whenever I finally get around to transferring the remaining files and cleaning it up I might give it try. I'm getting ready to start my externship for school on top of working full time so I don't anticipate having much time to play for the next couple months.
    607 and wafflecoffee like this.
  3. Bumperoo. It works on my computer. Gldown was a resounding success after 1.17 and my PC didn't play nice. It's Intel HD Graphics 2000.

    Once again, just had to come back here and report my findings. I'm so happy it worked.
  4. Are you by chance still able to contact said person who made gldown? I just switched my Fabric launcher to 1.18 and now gldown doesn't want to work. Any help would be appreciated :)
  5. This version should work :)
    Hairy_Larry likes this.
  6. It totally did work! Thank you so much. Sorry if I bug you ever again with future updates... this old gal of a computer is still running great for me in ever other aspect other than dang Microsoft trying to give me the boot with Minecraft hahaha. Thanks again
    607 and farmerguyson like this.
  7. Hey there Wafflecoffee :) If you find the time, do you think you could manage another round of gldown for us? 1.19 doesn't seem to work

    Thank you for your hard work to keep us able to play the game!
    607 likes this.
  8. Could you try ForceGL20? :) https://modrinth.com/mod/forcegl20
    607 likes this.