The Struggle is Real

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Unoski, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Gonna use that one when people are arguing from now on... >:]
  2. 4854, you mean? :)
  3. I have decided to start trying to collect every promo. A bit late to the party.
  4. But how do you know if the sapling is authentic? :rolleyes:
  5. #TheStruggleIsReal
  6. You dont.
    BreezyMan and Unoski like this.
  7. 2015-04-22_18.21.11.png
  8. SkyDragonv8 likes this.
  9. I know, thats why the struggle is real >_>
    607, hashhog3000 and SkyDragonv8 like this.
  10. Did you go up?
    ChickenDice, 607, hashhog3000 and 2 others like this.
  11. You cant, the ladder is broken.
    SkyDragonv8 likes this.
  12. It doesn't look broken...
    TigerstarMC, 607 and Gawadrolt like this.
  13. Look closely.
    SkyDragonv8 and Gawadrolt like this.
  14. I think you are missing the point of this thread...
  15. Does this count?


    It's given me some big problems working on my next parkour course. :(
    Chocolate800, 607, Gawadrolt and 2 others like this.
  16. I just have to post another one. :p

  17. Patr1cV, ItsDicey and zervados like this.
  18. That is the most crazy screenshot of chat I've ever seen!
    Gawadrolt and SkyDragonv8 like this.
  19. How? What do you find crazy about it? Or is this one of the only screenshots of chat you've seen?
    SkyDragonv8 likes this.