The old empire

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by jacob5089, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. ... yeah, when you paid 350 rupees for one animal. right. awesome. lolol
    Nole972 likes this.
  2. Those were the best days of my EMC life.
  3. He was part of the diamond dupers that created the chaos that drove oleyy and his business parters out of the Empire. He was later banned for other stuff, since he wasnt initially banned due to him not actually doing the duping (he was just the guy who stole all the money from the major shop owners).
    creepincreepers7 and Nole972 like this.
  4. Huh. I never remember the important things do I. Lol. :p
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  5. Haha, there is pretty much nothing less important than 621op:p
  6. I
    Is it like watergate to us Americans?
  7. Eh, i dont really think much of the watergate thing. It was just that at that time, they actually got caught lol. For me, the 621op thing ended with as much of an impact as jlopez's goodbye thread did.
    AlexChance likes this.
  8. Interesting. Did this happen on seven?
    (Watergate is where Nixon sent a raid into the Watergate complex to cover up evidence he did something, according to Wikipedia.)
  9. I'm sure this has been said, but I remember the days when the servers were always full... That was why I bought a supporter membership in the first place. And for the record, I'd give up my smp9 res and buy supporter again if we went back to like 4 servers.
    Nole972 likes this.
  10. I'd go back to three.
    Thats the jlopez thing, if you missed it:p Im not sure what server it happened on, but there were many thousand extra diamonds in circulation due to it.
  12. Used to have a hotel myself, lol. Was good for a while, but then the hotel market crashed, so I just moved my shop into the building.
  13. jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. Lol... I never heard about it either. And I was friends with dreamytje...
  15. My first res is still there after 374 days, 4269 on smp2 ground level is where all the magic happened, I use to stock everything up, ten azoundria would buy all of it, I guess it earned me money, even when I slipped up the price a bit ;)
  16. Virtual high five. My res is still there at 4029 after 396 (I think) days. Never reset. I don't believe in resetting, and I doubt I ever will reset.
  17. I like almost cry when I go back there
  18. I remember 72volt's scheme to build a giant lava war around the wild of SMP5 and was charging people to pass into the wild. Turned out in the end, he got banned, then unbanned. My suggestion to stop this was: Go to an Outpost
  19. You cry when you go to my res? Or did you mean your res? Lol.
  20. Bump for old times sake
    PAVI259 likes this.