The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. "Oakville wishes not to have anything to do with militia..."

    Who helped you get a plot in wrem?
    Who gave you materials to build?
    Who took the time to explain some of the basic laws to you?

    Me. The leader of the Militia.

    Thanks Bro.
    kritacul likes this.
  2. Hey, if they don't want the Militia in their business, it's their decision, it's not necessarily a statement of gratefulness.
    Besides, I'm grateful for your Militia being our buddy. <3
    pat2011, brickstrike, wisepsn and 4 others like this.
  3. This idea might already have been considered, but to generate money for the govt, why not sell plots in the cities instead of giving them away? Then land can later be bought and sold by their respective owners. Land values can be initially set by the respective govt, and then go up and down in value depending how nice an area is. I got my plot for free, but am willing to pay for it. Have players invest in the city by purchasing land.
  4. Singularity?

    Every person in the world who has ever been elected for a government office has been part of a large group, or political party.

    EMC Militia is a large group, but a small group is active here in the nr. That being said, Militia is pretty equal with afterglow in this situation, thus disproving your statement.
    kritacul likes this.
  5. naw man
  6. Oh the irony! xD
    72Volt likes this.
  7. Okay, I can put my economic skills into use to explain why this wouldn't work.

    The reason why one pays for land in real life is because there is a limited amount of land in the world, yet people have infinite wants, therefore meaning people want infinite land. However, because the supply of land in the world is less than the demand for land in the world, we say the land is scarce.

    In Minecraft, this is not the case. In case you're unaware, there is a damned huge amount of land. Because of the huge surplus of land, the price of land is practically nothing. So, if the government charges you to build in plot x, I'll go y blocks away from the city and build there, because a supply of land exists.

    The eventual result is that the people, who want to maximise utility and profit and minimize cost, will cluster around the closest land plot to their desired space which costs nothing. This will leave buildings more isolated from each other, making communication and trade more difficult, and thereby leaving everyone worse off, defeating the purpose of a democratic government; to serve the people.

    This would work, however, if there was demand for a plot of land from multiple people. If the dispute could not be settled amongst themselves, the government would auction the land among the people who have a demand for it, and the highest bidder is given the land, creating revenue. Situations like this would be rare, meaning land dealing is best left to the private sector.

    What the government could do, however, is deal in land. Within or at the centre of a city. If there is a building lying derelict or not being used, the government could buy it from someone for the lowest price possible, then sell it off for the highest price possible at auction. There would be demand for this land, because land in the centre of a city is scarce and more sensible to sell. An alternative would be to give the land to someone with the biggest plans, to build the tallest tower, to build the biggest factory, to build a revolutionary casino, or anything of the like.
    L0tad and PenguinDJ like this.
  8. False. In Kuwait, political parties are illegal, effectively making every single politician an independent.
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  9. Oh Volt, always using little tid-bits of knowledge and logic to win arguments XD
  10. False. Arguments are not won, arguments and debates take place to establish information which is disputed; it is therefore not a competition.
  11. brickstrike, Choongjae and PenguinDJ like this.
  12. Its good to know someone does, lol :)
    kritacul and 72Volt like this.
  13. Troll Attempt Fail...
  14. Just to clarify.

    As Secretary of State, i am entitled to elect officers of the law. These people are the only people who have authority to be able to give warnings/fines. The current list of officers are as follows:


    Please note that mayors of the respective towns have the authority to enforce laws too.

    And of course, if you get warned by 72Volt, thats also acceptable.

    kritacul likes this.
  15. As one of the joint founders of the city of Wrem, I think that I should have the authority. I did a lot to help build/found the city at the start.
    kritacul likes this.
  16. Pros of owning a residential plot:
    • close to the city
    • you have neighbors
    • better lighting
    • roads/railways
    • land is already flattened
    • you must obey the city's building laws
    • you may need permission before building
    Personally, I think this is enough reason to pay for a plot, but the decision should be left to the individual cities. A one-time fee of maybe 500-1000r seems appropriate, depending on the property value. True, having free plots encourages growth, but I think the city (or town) should decide if that counter-balances the work/supplies needed to prepare the plots.
    kritacul and mba2012 like this.
  17. Ok. A website is underway, and the basic version will be up soon. They website will not have it's own domain name unless a very kind person can spend spend of their own money purchasing it.
    CommonSense_64 likes this.
  18. sorry _Joe, i agree with this. you are added to the list as well.
  19. Love the thought process here, you must be a capitalist.
    I think plots should've been for sale from the get-go and only government buildings should've been the free ones.
    But kinda too late for most of the city of Wrem and would be kinda contradicting if you put in laws now.

    So I think one of two things.
    1. Everyone pays a certain tax(pending if they have just a home, business/factory or both) and we have plots for sale in Wrem.
    2.We leave it as is and you have to get permission from Dean or Joe to build in Wrem.

    Just food for thought.
  20. Id love to join :D
    kritacul likes this.
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