The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Oh, my huge mistake. Sorry to say this, but that doesn't give you the right to set up base.
    mba2012 and jacob5089 like this.
  2. You mean a base in Oakville?
    If so, that's 100% fine and as one of the commanding officers of EMC Militia, we won't go where we aren't wanted.
    We have no hate or angst towards you or any other in Oakville that does not want us there.
    Very sorry for your lose and you have a nice day ;)
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  3. No offense meant, people of the militia, but it's a bit rude, how you're reacting to how oakville wishes to not host the militia there.

    Anyways, the PPC delivery service is going virtual. Simply too complicated to do it in-game. I'll be setting that up very soon. :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. which way do you plan to spread the New Republic. By that I mean North across the creek, South to the peninsula, West toward that other outpost that's name I forget. Just Wondering :rolleyes:!!!!
  5. How so?
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  6. It just seems rude, to say "your loss" and also, why would someone start counting out what they did for another person, when they are also saying they're doing it free of charge, no payment necessary? (A little vague. I know. :p )
  7. On the shards idea; We should have guards to prevent griefing and such, on at all times. I would think it would be paid, and in blocks of thirty minutes. However, you would have to sign up before hand, so we always have people on.
  8. Yeah.. Uh.. I don't think this'll work.. The guard would most likely do other activities while they're supposed to be guarding. And sure, maybe that'll scare off the griefers! But yet again, guards are just staying on a server, getting money.
    Jeanzl2000 and 72Volt like this.
  9. I can see what I can do. I may be able to with my parent's permission. In this case, I would like to be added to the website convo.
  10. False. Volt has resorted to a semantic argument of the definition of "argument". Popular opinion and common usage in this case would weigh heavily against his argument argument. Referencing results in definitions that are roughly weighted based on usage and merit. Volt's definition doesn't hold true for all definitions, certainly not the first, most common usage. (An altercation can certainly be won).

    In any event, there are never winners in a semantic argument. ...other than this one which I just won. ;)
  11. Yes we will be introducing taxes shortly, as Chancellor of the Exchequer I can confirm that most residential plots will be exempt from taxes. I will release further details when 72Volt instructs me to craft a budget.
  12. I want to join
    mba2012, Adderwolf71 and wisepsn like this.
  13. Make sure you ask Dean_Catterson for a plot in Wrem.
  14. Why don't we just decide it on a state-by-state basis? :)

    Every direction. :)
    mba2012, L0tad and NINJATTILA like this.
  15. Adding you and that Luo guy in. :)

    Also, if you look at the page number, you will notice that the number of pages is the same as the number. :cool:
    mba2012 likes this.
  16. Do we actually plan to have states or was that a joke?
    I guess it does no harm to have residential plots free, but it's also a big opportunity for funding. I think the cities (or "states" :p) should have as much freedom as possible while still being compatible with the NR.
  17. Quick! Make it 73 pages!
  18. I wish to federate the New Republic, meaning each city will become a federal subject and will manage a marginal majority of their own affairs, with bigger stuff being left to central government. :)
    mba2012, L0tad and Dean_Catterson like this.
  19. A griefing has occurred nearby Oakville. Who made the lava fountains in the jungle? I mean that will burn the entire forest! Moderators have been contacted and they will dish out proper punishment.
    wisepsn likes this.
  20. Official rules for OakVille:
    1. No Stealing
    2. No greifing
    3. Don't build too close to anyone else

    Also I would love to help build the Highway going out to OakVille.
    mba2012 likes this.
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