The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. In my opinion, i was just helping someone out. I dont expect anything back in return. Im not sure what legit has against militia. If anything, the presence of militia in wrem has helped it grow tremendously. Im just confused as to how you wouldnt see that as being beneficial. I feel like when it comes to the nr, we help some people and they help us back, but on the other hand, there are those that we help and it backfires at us. Im in no way upset or mad that they dont want us in oakville, but id like to understand why? Could it be over the walls of flamewars?

    I feel like since the flame war, the new republic is still united, but people started picking sides. Its backwards.
    kritacul likes this.
  2. Please snip your posts. I don't want to read that again :)
  3. I want to get one thing clear. I don't want The Militia giving out any fines in OakVille for anything.
  4. IF it was not against the rules of Oakville and EMC... I personally do not like the militia because the warnings are off the wall. But when it comes down to it, they are there to help. Sorry pat but, greifings and stealing should be fined. It is more of the warnings and codes that bother myself.
  5. Actually this reminded me Naps, I'm building a wild city, and I would like it to connect to a railroad leading to Wrem could you help me out with this, and also I'm looking to post some sort of law in my wild city, if you guys could help me out with that as well, I'd appreciate it.
    kritacul likes this.
  6. While I am not posting this to argue with you or contradict your entire statement. but "the warnings are off the wall" may be true but would you like a creeper spawning in your neighbors house and blowing you up when you step outside? No you wouldn't, I know I wouldn't I carry very valuable stuff when I travel and visit Wrem I'd like to feel safe there, so they dish out the warnings to stop mob attacks on the streets of Wrem the warnings are of no means as harassment but really notifications that, that player is putting himself and everyone in town in danger of mobs spawning in and out of his plot, it's an unintentional way to grief, and I don't like it so please do as they ask and put up lights and roofs to stop mobs from spawning once you do this the warnings will stop unless you break another rule.
    Dean_Catterson and kritacul like this.
  7. For the last time and let it be clear.
    The Militia is ONLY in Wrem as security and only enforces Laws in Wrem ONLY!

    I and the Militia have NOTHING against Oakville and the residents there at all.
    Also, pat2011 you are IN the Militia, so please be a little bit more cooperative.
    The Militia has NO PLANS to come to Oakville if we are not wanted.
    We plan to hopefully expand to the Capital if the law makers and citizens approve of it.
    So thank you all for your concerns and you all have a wonderful day.
    wisepsn likes this.
  8. I still don't get what the militia does? :confused:
  9. The Militia is like Wrem's police force, we give out warnings and sometimes fines for various misdemeanors such as insufficient lighting and we are there to help.
    It's kinda like IRL Police. There is a lot of people who don't like the cops, and when they get a ticket they're like "aww this is bs" but when it comes down to it the police are really making the place safer by preventing dangerous activities.
  10. So I was derping around Wrem when I see these two signs...
    2013-06-05_17.05.04.png 2013-06-05_17.01.33.png
    mba2012, L0tad, kritacul and 2 others like this.
  11. This is my 100th site post.
    That is all.
  12. This is my 1,353 site post. That is all.
  13. And how magnificent it was...
    mba2012 and brickstrike like this.
  14. You have been on EMC for 432 days. I have been on for 14. Based on my current statistics, when I am 432 days old I will have 3,456 posts.
  15. -Little over a year
    -4135 posts
    mba2012, kritacul and brickstrike like this.
  16. You win
  17. I am 73 days old. Based on my current statistics, I should have had 210 posts when I was 14 days old. When I am 432 days old, I will have 6474 posts.
    kritacul likes this.
  18. You win too
  19. I wasn't exactly allowed to use the site when I first joined. I was only 12 when I first joined but I turned 13 this year so yay. And are you forgetting that people have LIVES? Just a thought. Don't want to start yet another flame war about this but whateves.
    I eat potatos and play in sand on Tuesdays. My brother is a monkey with too much acne and my parents are two sugar peas in a pod. I will now make the most random senctence ever.
    I have not taken my beans yet because a unicorn eat all my chocolate last night.
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  20. cool i'm almost 100 days but i stooped playing MC until like 2 weeks ago
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