The Button

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Unoski, Apr 26, 2020.


What will be your rank?

Purple 4 vote(s) 20.0%
Blue 2 vote(s) 10.0%
Green 6 vote(s) 30.0%
Yellow 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Orange 1 vote(s) 5.0%
Red 7 vote(s) 35.0%
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  1. What if there was a way to prove superiority?
    What if there was a non-monetary way to show off your rank?
    What if there was a way to end world hunger?
    What if there was a button for all this?

    There's not, but there will be a button to solve the first 2 questions and it has a snazzy name. Introducing...

    This button is hooked up to a countdown. What does the countdown lead to? Nobody knows and it is best that we don't find out. The best way to ensure that is to simply click the button. Depending on when you click the button, you will get a book showcasing when you clicked it and the timer will restart from the beginning. For instance, people who clicked the button and got the red rank clicked it when the timer was lower than people who are the purple rank.

    So this begs the question: What rank will you be?

    Ranks, lowest to highest:

    Display your ranks proudly.
    SMP4, 8574
    /v +button

    I should note that this is not Mumbo Jumbo's idea, but the implementation is his work. Credit is given on the residence so any complaints about lack of credit is not applicable.

    To show your rank publicly for the duration of this button, feel free to add your respective block to your signature.
  2. I wanna click the button
  3. Nice you don't even give credit to Mumbo Jumbo who started this.
    UltiPig, Varua, BrenJone and 8 others like this.
  4. Sounds interesting!
    Unoski likes this.
  5. Are we adding "belts" to our skins to prove superiority like on hermitcraft, or is there a different method to prove your superiority.
    Unoski likes this.
  6. There is a sign on the building giving credit where credit is due. ;)

    I appreciate the enthusiasm though!

    Good question. Part of me wants to do something you can't duplicate - books. Other part of me wants to do leather armor.
  7. I like buttons.
    Unoski and NuclearBobomb like this.
  8. The button is now open at SMP4, 8574 or /v +button
    607, AmusedStew and Sprhyngtime like this.
  9. Green rank :D
    Unoski likes this.
  10. Welp, time to camp out here for red ;)
    AmusedStew and Unoski like this.
  11. Something I didn't think of is cheeky strategies.

    Best way to make sure everybody has a fair advantage while maintaining the spirit of the button?Everybody has the ability to build on the residence. Don't bother touching the button, you're not gonna get far.
  12. Idk why, but i waited 3 hours for this, took the time to clean up the spawn.
    Impulsive_Egg and Sprhyngtime like this.
  13. What, no more obsidian cages? :p
  14. Woohoo, I got the purple rank. :D
    I think I get the idea, now. :)
  15. Is the button salty?
  16. I got purple rank!!! I still don't understand the point of this but I'm thinking it's like a The Wave type experiment, if anyone knows what I'm talking about
  17. Only if you lick it I guess.
  19. I got a stone slab
    ArkonXT likes this.
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