That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment when Momentus has to fight off the wolfpack :)

    No guys, don't bite him /there/ :D

    More serious: I think this strategy could even be useful for Marlix. I fought Momentus on diff. 8 with the help of several wolves and even though I don't have the impression that they helped tremendously (I still died, as you can see) they did distract and remove several guardians.

    And even managed to bite Momentus in the behinds :p
    607 and welshficwitch like this.
  2. That moment when you realize you have turned 18 but after that you realize that your life has not changed a bit.
    607, Satchiko, tuqueque and 1 other person like this.
  3. hope that's seen as a good thing, casualist!

    and shel, you're awesome!
    ShelLuser and tuqueque like this.
  4. That moment when you're clueless enough to mix up Halloween & Thanksgiving up to a point where you even think Seffy is mixing up the facts :confused:

    Halloween promo = yes, Thanksgiving promo = no. I'll get there eventually ;)

    but yeah: when I'm wrong, I'm wrong. meh, I should have been a little more perceptive though.
  5. That moment when you fall up the stairs in school right in front of another classroom...with the door open. :eek:
    607 likes this.
  6. The moment when you are almost a year back from emc
    SkeleTin007 and tuqueque like this.
  7. the moment when it's howling a gale like the start of a disney film and one of the family indoor only cats has escaped...and isn't coming back...


    607 likes this.
  8. That moment when you haven't logged in to EMC for four days... I don't think I've gone without this much Minecraft in a very long time, but I'm certainly having fun! :cool:
    607 likes this.
  9. need some sort of withdrawal easer, big guy?
  10. I have the best "withdrawal easer" with me right now! ^_^
    607 likes this.
  11. That moment when Aya goes crazy (and for a good reason!)

    She almost died after jumping off a platform to chase the turkey, but still managed to kill it!

    So Aya and me decided to go mining this evening. I've had quite some good luck (and fun) with hunting mobs in the eastern wastelands (smp2) and because it also had an Extreme Hills biome I figured we might be able to have some fun there (and get some good loot of course).

    Honestly guys; expeditions like these clearly show to me that the staff is very lenient with the waste reset policy. Don't get me wrong: I like the quarterly reset, a lot. Gets us new stuff. But I also think its fair to say that there's still a lot left to discover and mine out there.

    And I have proof!

    Below where we are is a canyon (ravine) which has been pretty much mined out. Lots of obsidian, torches, etc. But this particular path was completely untouched. Aya killed all the spiders (minus one, see left side ;)) and as you can see we even found 2 spawners.

    Then Aya suddenly heard a chicken and even saw an egg dropping down. I figured it had to be above her so when I went one more level upwards I discovered this:

    Because Aya had the better sword she went in to kill it. Started out good, then it escaped. I managed to slash it into the water, it went down, I went after it and hit it again, it went up, then Aya hit it again and it went flying into the ravine :eek:

    So Aya jumped right after it, /just/ managing to dive into a water stream.

    And the result can be seen above.

    We are two lucky players. Both of us managed to get 2 turkey slicers out of this event.

    So I think we can call Aya the turkey slayer now :D
    SkeleTin007 and 607 like this.
  12. That moment when you go to clean out the "recycle bin" on your computer and realize you have 60 GB worth of stuff in there.
  13. That moment when you be like "Shit, forgot I got an essay due tomorrow!" then starts writing till 3am to get it done.

    Happened me a week ago :D
    ShelLuser and Keliris like this.
  14. I did that once, but later in class the teacher tells us "Oh I forgot tell you, its a rough draft"... Killed me.
  15. i realised at uni that my best results were done as one nighters... every essay in third year was done y researching for three weeks and then all nighting it...
    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. Small miscalculation...

    welshficwitch and 607 like this.
  17. That moment when you realise there is a creeper on top of your mob grinder in skyblock hard core mode. While building a bridge to it to see why it's not working.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. Let the battle begin :p
  19. My voters gear against god armor? hmm :p fortunately it was merely a waste tunnel which I dug out "because", most insane project so far: 700 or so blocks long for no obvious reason. Anyway, it got solved with 2 stairs blocks.
    welshficwitch and Eviltoade like this.
  20. That moment when my imagination runs wild ;)

    Fortunately for us DC is an excellent negotiator ;)

    (thanks for the snap aya!)