[Survey] Are you active in the Frontier?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Jun 8, 2016.


Are you active in the Frontier?

Poll closed Jul 8, 2016.
I own an established outpost. 36 vote(s) 36.0%
I maintain my own building(s) (not established!) 17 vote(s) 17.0%
I'm part of an established outpost. 18 vote(s) 18.0%
Some friends and me maintain our own building(s) (not established!) 5 vote(s) 5.0%
I sometimes help build stuff, but I don't maintain anything. 2 vote(s) 2.0%
I'm just visiting the Frontier to find out why chickens cross the road :P 11 vote(s) 11.0%
Other (please leave a comment below!) 11 vote(s) 11.0%
  1. Hello. I'm the mayor of East Oak, a town in the Estonan Federation, an established outpost (but more like a nation) in the Eastern frontier of smp9. Our other major (and capital) city is Maximus but we also have various other outposts part of the nation in the immediate area surrounding our capital.

    Estona was founded by myself, devon699 and siniypiva some years ago following our move from the now defunct New Republic centred on the city of Wrem. Since then, we have seen many members come (and sometimes sadly go), most notably onetoad who continues to help grow Maximus into a world class city as mayor. We have managed to create great urban centers boasting numerous grand buildings, structures, farms and castles.

    We are always looking for new members to become part of our well established community, so get in touch with us to find out more.
  2. Ohh okay then I guess I'll be more than enough far away. :) (the end of that sentence didn't work, lol) Do you (and others) think I still need to lock all my chests there, or just one to put my voter's tools in?
  3. Yeah, for griefers I'd say about 5k out in the nether to be safe (40k overworld). However, unwanted visitors... maybe further- I hear 10k in the nether is a good distance. However, the most important part of any of this, is hiding your railway very good.
    Did you do 1DC of items at a time?... xD... Unless you just have a 3 hour long railway...
    Pretty sure I visited something of yours at one point in time... maybe it wasnt you though, pretty sure it was you... See, I dont even remember anymore haha.
    Back onto the point of activity in frontier... Honestly, the only time I spend in the frontier is working on TTMOF or at Regen. I think I spend more time in the wastes than in the frontier, and much more time than that in town.
    ThaKloned and TomvanWijnen like this.
  4. I hate to double post... but I will do it anyways.

    I would lock only a couple chests for major valuables (i.e. enchanted tools/armor, voters tools, maybe your diamond stash...). At TTMOF we have no locked chests and never run into any issues. Then again our railway there is so hidden even I have trouble finding it...
    M4ster_M1ner and TomvanWijnen like this.
  5. I'm out a ways and I have only 1 chest locked at each site. Only for the purpose of establishing a claim. I don't think anyone will make it out to me just to steal.

    So i feel your in the same boat. I wouldn't have all the chests locked. Though with the new frontier outposts and the the player proposed roads connecting them all. You never now if someone then will find you.

    However with the new anti-griefing update I wonder if chests will be affected. Will the one you places a chest be the only one who can open it without placing a sign above for others to use. Sorta like in town and if that's the case I wouldn't spend the rupees locking everything.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  6. 2.5 hrs of just nether walking. Rest is rail :p And about 4.5 DCs per run ;)
    AmusedStew likes this.
  7. I own an outpost on 7, but its not established, as it doesn't fit all the EMC requirements (old abandoned towns surround us, and we are only 2k blocks out from outpost :p )
  8. So, since we're having an interesting Frontier discussion going already (don't mind at all Tom!) I'm going to go ahead of myself and share my ideas behind this survey already. I realize it's a bit buried here and not everyone is likely to read this but that's just fine with me for now.

    One of the main things which troubles new players when they set out in the Frontier, at least that's my impression, is to find a suitable location to establish something. An often heard argument is that they look around an area, determine that all is well and still end up getting their claim denied because they were too close to another build.

    I've gone over the requirements again and they are pretty clear: "The land in which the outpost is occupying must not be within 3,000 blocks of any other group's visually established base.". Keyword here in my opinion is "visually established".

    Anyway, I was wondering if we (community) couldn't add to this process ourselves in making it a little easier for players.

    A council of base owners?

    My idea basically involves around creating a group of established base owners who should probably know the location of their own base. When a new player has doubts about their current location they would be able to ask the council if their current location is near an already established & known outpost.

    So basically an idea of the Frontier community helping their own out.

    Now, obviously secrecy is a big thing. I'm obviously not asking that those owners reveal the location of their base, and the new player can be a little vague about their own location by merely using a rough indication as well (3,000 blocks is quite a range after all).

    But I'm wondering if this couldn't help new players to get up to speed in the Frontier.

    And who knows; if we could build such a council then maybe we can use it for other things as well. All within moderation of course, I don't want to create something which might end up doing things which players aren't comfortable with. The wishes of the individual players should always be just as important as that of the group. So we definitely shouldn't overdo things.

    Food for thought perhaps?
  9. Sounds very good.
    Not each base has a distinguished owner, so perhaps simpler "Frontier Council"

    Organizing a bit around a common cause is a good idea.
    (I've mentioned a possible "Economy Council" in another thread.)

    Solution: make and publish a social contract.
    People are mostly humans, so no guarantees whatsoever but that's life - there is no alternative but to live it!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  10. Sounds like a great idea Shell. I am not yet too active in the frontier as I am still busy with my builds, however I have taken a few scouting runs to decide what/where I might be interested in building. It would be nice to know what the rules are before establishing anything and spending time/materials for certain.

    I also wonder about the 3000 block distance... why... well if most outposts are secret to avoid griefing... how are ya really gonna know if you accidentally start one too close to another ....

    just my newbie two bits
  11. I don't go to the frontier for much and I don't really plan to do so, until the option to lock down the area (at least) becomes available. I like to play along with people, not against them and my plans for anything in a frontier setting involves building aesthetically large structures around a specific type of setting. I don't want to have to worry about griefers getting at it. I also don't like having to waste a large amount of time getting to a location, because I have a full-time job and would rather spend my time playing the game, not digitally commuting. I do enough commuting irl...
  12. So as you all know I own Underhelm, its a settlement out in the frontier
    (even thought we will never be able to establish it)
    We've become a pretty active city on smp2, something I didn't see on smp2 since I joined, which is pretty cool.
  13. I've founded 1 established outpost, I'm a member of another, and I have several public farms at various locations in the smp5 frontier.
  14. I have unclaimed buildings, planning to establish an outpost, and am part of an established outpost. I love the frontier, and often find myself playing in it. I love the vanilla survival experience without resets, and if you go far enough out, you don't have a whole lot to worry about from other players.
  15. Whats the Frontier you talk of?
  16. The land of the brave, the home of the free.
    WyntyrRaevyn, Gawadrolt and SkareCboi like this.
  17. I'd love to be in a council of owners, but the problem with the 'visible builds' part is that you can establish an underground claim as well - as I have done with my alt for her "Cave Dwellers Unite". None of those builds are visible as i want to keep that outpost pristine.

    I have total of 3 claimed and approved outposts, one for each of my alts and in an attempt to protect the area surrounding my main outpost. I also wonder if the admins who research new claim requests have access to any kind of database or spreadsheet, or maybe a map overlay that calculates proximity to established outposts? It seems like with my last request that the admin just flew around and didn't see anything so approved it. This is a little scary considering my hidden outpost..
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  18. I'm going to be getting around to a wilderness outpost sometime soon. At the meantime though, I am part of a very well developed outpost called Asharia which I actually haven't been to in a while... :p