[Survey] Are you active in the Frontier?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Jun 8, 2016.


Are you active in the Frontier?

Poll closed Jul 8, 2016.
I own an established outpost. 36 vote(s) 36.0%
I maintain my own building(s) (not established!) 17 vote(s) 17.0%
I'm part of an established outpost. 18 vote(s) 18.0%
Some friends and me maintain our own building(s) (not established!) 5 vote(s) 5.0%
I sometimes help build stuff, but I don't maintain anything. 2 vote(s) 2.0%
I'm just visiting the Frontier to find out why chickens cross the road :P 11 vote(s) 11.0%
Other (please leave a comment below!) 11 vote(s) 11.0%
  1. Oh that one - I've found one myself yesterday :)
    Mob_Meal likes this.
  2. Why is there so many options? There should be like... one. I own my own outpost and visit others outposts all the time, town? Whats that? :-P

    Also, fifteen minute rail ride is not bad at all. Should only have to use it like once every three months :)
  3. (hopefully shell doesn't mind me doing this :p) Question: approximately how far do you guys think you need to go to be 99.9% safe from griefers?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. If you are visible on the map or the structure is visible on the map, bored but dedicated people will travel for 1 hour to get there. But perhaps this falls into that 0.1%.
    Normally, for lazy griefers who just travel through the overworld, I think 30-40k out would be that 99,9% if the structure is not too visible / too inviting on the map.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  5. Agreed and by then unless you were specifically targeted for griefing most people would have either given up or been caught already. Also if you have a nether rail to your outpost try not to make it too conspicuous on the map. I'm sure you don't need reminded but the nether frontier is the traditional 8:1 ratio to the frontier overworld making getting to outposts slightly shorter than if you had to walk, boat, or horse all the way out there on land. One of my favourite things to make them pretty but not noticeable is to use nether brick and glowstone since they are naturally occurring blocks in the nether and won't attract as much attention as say a sandstone and sea lantern tunnel would
    ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.
  6. PS: it would be good to better understand griefer types. I think the common stereotype of either "player that din't get that EMC is Non-PvP" or "vandal that intends to cause grief" is accurate only for a smaller portion of griefings.

    It is a wonderful thing if you can make the griefer believe that they have found the structure when they have only found a decoy - a "honey pot" - but it is quite a costly way of protection.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. Currently, my family and I are working on the infrastructure for our Outpost in the wild and an Outpost headquarters in town. While we may not have many buildings in place as of yet, we do have a very ambitious plan. I have seen it mentioned several times in my reading of this thread and associated ones that it is difficult to find a place to set up shop...er outpost. ( Shops in the wild would be interesting, and maybe more plausible when teleportation comes along) It may stem from the fact I am part of the Pac-Man generation, and consider the games of today a lot less demanding as games then did not offer bed re-spawn points to continue from, but when considering a place to build an outpost we aimed for beyond the 100k range. Most people do not seem to like to venture far from the comforts of town, and neither do griefers. On top of that, we did not want a nether rail connection. So we ventured out across the frontier.

    Recently, I returned to town via a death to acquire a few residences, and now look forward to when time permits for a few days ( Yes...Real Life Days) journey back to our outpost. I hope I don't get side-tracked too much trying to build on the road out there this time around, as there is still many kilometers of road to be built around the outposts. I used to think it was cool that we were so far out, but now it doesn't seem as far since there will be many who just teleport way beyond our backyard with the addition of the new outposts. But I do think that will help promote some additional outpost creation. Another idea that I also chimed in on was the proposed road idea by StoneSky to connect the outposts. While I am in agreement with the majority that this would probably be something I would never see in my lifetime completed by the players, it very well could be implemented by staff via World Edit.

    A road system would give many the initial jump-start needed to find that patch of elusive land to start their own outpost. The very existence of UnderHelm is a testament to this line of thinking, and yes I do agree with the many who do not want roads running through their neighborhoods. I do, however, feel that in the new areas of access (1 million, 5 million, 10 million) that a road network constructed out there by staff would only foster a greater interest in the frontier by many more people then simply EMC Frontier Outposts installations alone. As far as the layout, the outer rings as suggested by StoneSky in his road / bridge suggestion found here: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/operation-stone-slab-bridge.64921/ seem to be a nice idea.

    I may be wrong, and there may be some Super Hard Core players out there that have already trekked beyond the 1 million marker to set up an outpost, but I would like to think that the odds are against such. Regardless even if there are a few out that far, it should be far less than one would find inside that perimeter. If by chance someone did have an outpost that far out and in the path of a staff made road, staff could simply transplant their outpost to another locale for them.

    I also saw ThaKloned mention "I wouldn't want to break and replace all blocks so that they were all protected." and would like to comment that if I am not mistaken, what I have seen Aikar suggest is that any non-naturally spawned block such as cobble, stone bricks, wool, or quartz would be considered a protected block and not have to be replaced. He may be able to do something to compare it to the terrain as it was in it's original state. I don't know how he intends to work the magic, but am sure he will come up with something so that the countless number of outposts don't all have to be rebuilt from scratch, even though the materials may be there in place already. I said all of this to suggest, I wouldn't delay my building due to that alone. If you are so close to an EMC Frontier Outpost that you worry about griefing.... well that is probably a good reason to wait.

    It is cool to be part of the Frontier community and pioneer the infrastructure to utilize all that the wilderness has to offer. I look forward to what you have up your sleeve ShelLuser, and any other improvements to foster growth in the wild. :)
    ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.
  8. my outpost has been griefed once in over a year and I'm only like 10k blocks out. there are a lot more factors than distance. The live map is probably one of the biggest factors but also nether rails to your outpost and publicity. If you are doing something like POC you can probably expect 10 times as much griefings as a outpost of similar size and distance from spawn that doesn't advertise their activities.

    Most of the nether rails I have seen are on the top of the nether and well... the top of the nether is what shows up on livemap, food for thought.

    When I take someone out to my outpost I ask them to /map hide and not to tell anyone how to get to my outpost. Then I make them close their eyes turn around ten times and bounce on one foot while reciting the oath of silence about where they have been. Most people can't even find their way back :D (we don't talk about the fact that they had a bag over their head as they were riding in the back of a minecart for half an hour either. lmbo

    Edit: I have also refused to take dozens of people out there for one reason or another. Mostly because the government is controlling their brains with satellites, ignore the tin foil hat.
  9. Hrmm I thought I saw him mention somewhere that already placed blocks would not be protected. Hopefully I'm wrong about that one.

    I'm so far out that I can't even get friends to visit :D At this point I would welcome a griefer :p
    TamTamV, ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.
  10. I TOTALLY agree:D!

    Just one question what's POC?
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  11. Open invite: Grief party @ ThaKloned's place! He asked for it, so it shouldn't be banable... Right? :p
    Gawadrolt, ShelLuser and ThaKloned like this.
  12. I still have a standing bet on 5. (More of a joke) That the first person to find me wins a ban :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
  13. I wouldn't think it's that hard to do. You've left a bit of a breadcrumb trail on the forums, if I remember correctly.

    Edit: It's just that no one wants to spend that kind of time :D
    ThaKloned likes this.
  14. Ya exactly lol Last weekend I ran in 37 DCs of items from my base. Each run took roughly 3 hours. I don't think many griefers are that dedicated :p
  15. Now I'm starting to question your sanity ;)
    Gawadrolt and AmusedStew like this.
  16. the majority of griefings from randoms occur within 5k of an outpost
    Dedicated griefers might make it out to 20k
    any further and the griefer is probably a friend you invited out a while ago
  17. I like the frontier. I built a little farm and cottage over an hours real life travel out. Its nice to go out there and not run into people and chill. When I need time away, its my goto spot. I have a little operation gathering things and once in awhile do the hauling thing back to town. There is no easy way to get there, so no lazy bones fortune hunter will stumble upon it. The expensive stuff is locked in a chest so if the griefer is gonna grief then :( but Oh well. I already feel that I need to move a lot farther out to stay ahead of the rabble. Perhaps I shall go to a distant shore and start my own outpost, Aceitropolis! By the way, dibs on the name ;).
  18. :D I get that a lot lol
  19. 2 established outposts, the are still small. and one city that i still use most for now.
  20. You need an expert advice, you can send me a pm :)